All Topics / Forum Frolic / close your eyes….and make your wish

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  • Profile photo of Administrator

    I am your fairy godmother…*produces her wand in a flurry of excitement* and Im giving you all THREE wishes. (no you can not wish for more wishes LOL)

    So….tell me my precious ones….in this world of fantasy and lustful longings….what is it your little hearts desires most?
    *waving wand around frantically while trying to look good in a sequinned bikini and fairy wings*

    mine are *thinking hard*
    1. Fat free chocolate that tastes like REAL chocolate

    2. World peace and nakedness

    3. Enough money to open up a wild life retreat, so we could adopt mistreated animals (with a special area to house big cats in a habitat as natural to them as possible)

    see… biggies LOL

    Profile photo of HueyHuey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 213

    Hi Pinky,

    You sound like my youngest daughter. Forget your number 1 wish and work harder with your wand for your nos. 2 & 3.



    PS: My daughter used to love chocolate. Once she made for me a bar of chocolate for Mothers’ day. She couldn’t resist so by the time I unwrapped her present it was only a small piece left. Her eyes still couldn’t move away from it. As soon as I said “You can have it” she put it in her mouth & it’s gone within a few seconds. Now she prints on her guitar cover : “say NO to COCOA. I oppose slavery” and she gave up her favorite food!

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 60

    But if there was nakedness all the time – it would be boring! nad some of the best things would sag [:(]

    hmm 3 wishes

    a 6ft tall, slim but got curves, brunette hair, capitalist, snowboarder, chick who knows php&sql.

    a chef to cook me a different tasting chicken every night

    a passive income to do whatever I wanted – Which i think would actually involve quite a bit of work.

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Pinky

    I like your wish No 3 the best. However I would change it slightly and instead of having a sanctuary for animals I would have it for politicians instead.


    Profile photo of ANUBISANUBIS
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 559

    Well I’m a little hedonistic

    1) a refuge for Polar Bear (singular) with scantily clad, nubile young nymphs to cater to my whims
    2) To finish what I start
    3) Health/Happiness for family,friends & forumites

    Profile photo of Arty

    1) Pinky
    2) Pinky
    3) Pinky

    ..aww im a suck … LOL [:D



    Profile photo of Arty

    Take two ….[:)

    1) Health for my family (Pinky, and the rug rats)
    2) Happiness for my family.
    3) A pack of Tim Tams that never run out.. LOL [:D



    Profile photo of melbearmelbear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,429

    Arty, that would have to be a pack of Tim Tams that has NO fat content!!

    1. Tall, handsome, friendly, fit guy who knows how to have fun.
    2. Enough passive income to do whatever I want.
    3. Family and friends who can join me in No 2.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    I like all your wishes…but I have to admit..Im with mel!! [}:)


    Tall, handsome, friendly, fit guy who knows how to have fun.

    Now HE sounds very unfattening!! LOLOL

    ~ If at first you dont succeed…destroy ALL evidence you ever tried to begin with! ~

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