All Topics / General Property / Becoming A Property Manager

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  • Profile photo of stevefazakstevefazak
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 35

    Hi All

    I am wanting to become a Property Manager, specifically looking after Investment Properties, I would be great at this kind of work, I would use Steve’s Due Diligence Templates to attract tenants and strive to have a win-win policy. I currently work in Sales am in my early 30’s, just about to buy my first investment property (awaiting bank approval) and enjoy working with people.

    Do you think I can make it? (I know I can do anything I put my mind and heart too), what educational papers do I need?, I can see through the forum there is a great need for great PM’s, I would love to look after all of your investments (although I live in NSW)long term I would like to do this full time, I am in the process of doing a business plan NOW.

    Please give me more encouragement.


    Profile photo of BillfromozBillfromoz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 381

    G’day Steve…

    Good on you!

    Why not approach a Real Estate Ageny in your home town and explore the possibilities of working for them in the Property Mgt.division.

    If there are no large Agencies in your area be prepared to move permanently after a trial period.

    The income won’t be that flash, but if you consider it as a stepping stone it will pay dividends in the long term. Get in touch with the Licensing Authorities in your state and undertake what ever courses required to eventually get your License and of course your own Agency.

    A good property manager can manage 130 properties,
    so set your sites on a Rent Roll of 250-350 to make it pay. You would need a staff of 3.

    You will quickly learn that you must “Systemize” each component of the Management System to make it a smooth operation…if you don’t you will soon flounder.

    We always spent 30 odd minutes with a potential tenant with a coffee and chat on what they could expect from us and in turn what we expected of them. Bit like a fireside chat…that was in fact an interview.

    With Property owners I spent an hour or more with them before committing ourself to manage their property…same thing… you can expect from us and what we expect from you.

    We systemised everything, right down to the order that e property was to be inspected. For example..Entry : ceiling, left wall, front wall, right wall door, floor, lightfittings. Then each room in the same sequence.From memory a 260 point check list.

    Each property was video’d inside and out at the commencement and end of each tenancy.

    That’s more than enough for you to digest.



    Profile photo of powmowpowmow
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    Gday steve,

    a great place to start if you want to get right into it would be an assistant Prop. Man.

    otherwise maybe a certificate IV at TAFE or a course at the Real Estate Institute of NSW.



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