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  • Profile photo of melbear

    Hi all

    Noticed that young joshwaly just started at Boost juice bar. Made me smile remembering my experiences with wheatgrass juice (or should I say drinking mown grass!![8)])

    Wondering if anybody else has been on the health craze and drinks wheatgrass juice.


    Profile photo of Huey

    Hi Mel

    I’ve tried but couldn’t finish a 1/2 of the shot. I have a glass of “Liver cleanser juice” from Boost everytime I go to town. It consists of carrot, beetroot, apple & wheat grass. It’s very nice. It does my body good & I could feel it.

    2 of the people I know got cancer. They took 2 shots everyday and the results really amazed their doctors. They can’t explain why. May be heaps of vitamins can freeze the cancerous cells.



    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    [^][^]Juice Station Juices [^][^] Cheap and best[:)]

    Profile photo of Carlo10

    I’ve heard that Wheatgrass is really good for you but havent been able to buy some and try it. Where can I buy it from??

    Profile photo of Huey

    Hi Carlo,

    Many of the fresh juice shops sells wheatgrass juice. They display 1 or 2 trays of wheatgrass on their work bench.



    Profile photo of HulaQueenHulaQueen
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 23

    Piers and I have about 12 trays of wheatgrass growing in the backyard!! We juice it almost everyday! YUM!!

    It’s best diluted in water or mixed with other juices to hide the flavour! Yes it does taste like grass!

    One delicious drink – wheatgrass, fresh juiced pinapple, and the water from one coconut (also fresh). I call it my wheatgrass pinacolada! YUMMY!


    Profile photo of ANUBISANUBIS
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 559

    I just can’t come at the idea of drinking grass juice. Although a Boost Juice has opened recently in one of the arcades off the Sydney Pitt St Mall near where I work and there is always a queue a mile long. Maybe I’m missing out.

    I did try a Nudie raspberry and cranberry juice the other day and it was quite yummy!

    Profile photo of melbear

    Hey guys

    Glad some of you agree with my ‘taste sensation’!! When we were drinking it (that was all we had as we were doing a cleanse) some of us swallowed like a shot (ha ha cos that’s what they come in – shot sized glasses/cups), but the girl next to me would drink hers slowly and say ‘mmmm yum’. I tried not to gag, but in the end I couldn’t do it anymore. I was not the only one.

    They are reaaaaaally good for you. Of the minerals in the world that are good for you to ingest (I think it’s something like 120), wheatgrass contains about 90 odd. I think everybody should try it at least once, and if you are a healthy person, or really want to be, try doing what Sheryl does and dilute it!

    When we got back to Oz after our cleanse, we had an email group, and lots fo people were trying lots of different mixes to make it palatable. If you’re into it, you grow your own – works out so much cheaper, and is so easy to do.

    Onwards to healthy living…. where’s my Coke, oh, there it is!!!


    Profile photo of Carlo10

    I went to a Tony Robbins seminar Unleash the Power Within(UPW) last year and he highly recomends Wheat Grass juice. He even talked about what you talked about melbear. One of his presenters even showed us a 15 day cleansing process.
    Now I can finally try this thing that alot of ppl have been talking about.

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    oh! A subject dear to my heart!

    tried it in the US a few years ago. “oh my gahd” my body said,
    “gimme some of that good stuff every day!!!”

    So i was buying shots of it at great expense every day when it FINALLY came to Aussie (a year or so ago)

    then I did some research into why is this stuff so good?
    40 reasons to drink wheatgrass juice
    a healing centre in queensland that teaches raw diet etc to cure incurable diseases

    what they do is based on Ann Wigmore’s work

    so anyway I wanted to grow it.
    i bought an excellent e-book for ten bucks here

    i followed it to the letter. Brilliant.

    found the seeds at macro wholefoods…
    they have the best seeds but they are more expensive…

    then later i bought the seeds in bulk from a commercial wheatgrass grower that sold me the seeds for $3 per kg – and they threw in two trays (enough to have a constant supply if i want)

    the growing medium is available from your local hydroponic supplier

    as far as a juicer goes, the cheaper option is….$115

    or you can get a kit withe everything you need – seeds, tray, juicer for $175

    but I got the samson 6-in-one further down the page which is $500 bucks but brilliant and juices everything and makes pasta and minces things too. easy to clean.

    so yeah I love the stuff.
    At the moment I’m not growing any cause i’ve been away but my latest fave combo is carrot, beetroot and apple.
    soooo nice and yummy

    actually in looking up all these links (which I had saved) I was reading up about barley-grass, might have to try growing some of that too, it sounds excellent

    If you don’t like the taste just hold your nose. It’s like that thing where if you block your nose and take a bite out of a raw onion you can’t taste the different between it and an apple. Because taste is 90 percent aroma.

    personally I just dilute it with a splash of apple juice, I just stick an apple or 1/ 2 an apple in the juicer after the wheatgrass.

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