All Topics / General Property / Where to buy an IP in NZ for under $35K??

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  • Profile photo of painter

    Hey Bridgette,


    I am limited in my funds. Max $35K

    I only want to buy a property that is on a free hold section and that is in a high renatl demand area that will grow (have capital gain).

    I want to have capital gain and don’t want my property to be rented to unemployed people who could trash the house. Hence why the area has to be attractive.

    As I am wanting to buy a property for investment purposes, it really does have to be in an area that has little unemployment and again is in an area that is in demand for rentals.

    This was pretty much my criteria too,except perhaps, I was a bit more limited in the funds department[;)]. I bought a small cottage 6 months ago and cosied it up (with batts and paint), I could have let it out six times over, (if I had of got the painting finished sooner[:O]). As this was my first rental purchase here, I am no expert, and can only tell you of my own experiance with this one cottage. However, I did not avertise for tenants at all, just asked around, and have got great people in there now.


    Tell me, what attracts people to Gore?
    Is there a lot of work in Gore? as I have been told otherwise.

    Gore township is sort of like the hub for the surrounding district.. There are two freezing works withink 10-15 mins from the town, a dairy (chesse?) factory twenty minutes away, and another one in town, a tulip bulb farm and factory, two timber yards plus there are a lot of dairy farms, and of course millions of sheep. So quite a bit of the work available around here is seasonal, but it is quite consistant, with different jobs going in the off seasons. Also Invercargill is only 40 minutes away, and have heard of some people commuting there for work and study.
    There is Kentucky Fried chicken here, but no McDonalds, heaps of childcare places, good schools, they run some of the “free fee” courses here, in conjunction with the Invercargill Polytechnic (SIT), they have good sports facilities (just opened the new swimming pool/ice skating rink), and of course the trout fishing here is world famous, (or so the signs say anyway!). Ooops, nearly forgot, they hold the annual country music awards here too, they call them the gold guitar awards, and they seem to be getting bigger and bigger every year. Gore has a sister city type thingy going with Tamworth(?) in Austrailia with regards to this. Dont know if that last one was relevant or not, but thought I’d throw it in anyway[:)

    Profile photo of Bridgette

    Thanks Painter,

    I feel good about Gore and feel that I could possibly get some good CG on it.

    Can anyone still tell me what CF is as I don’t have a clue and have seen it used quite a bit.

    Also, what are yeilds?

    What does everyone think of Mangakino as an Investment area?

    Does anyone know if there is quite a high rental demand there?

    Is there lots of employment there?

    If anyone has any info on Mangakino, I am all ears. Pleanty of lower end IP’s there. Just putting it out there.



    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Bridgette

    I live about 65kms from Mangakino.
    What follows are some ideas about the area in no particular order.

    Mangakino was an old hydro village. It was in the news last year when the land owners put the leases up for sale. The new owner upset some of the leesees.
    I suggest have a look at and type in Mangakino and see what you find.

    A bach recently sold for about $3000 but was on leasehold land. The lease had about 8 yrs to go.

    Century 21 estate agents have an agent there. Again have a web search for them.

    I have a number of agents listings but they are at home.

    The area overlooks a hydro lake. Very pretty I think. Mainly retired people and life stylers as there is not alot of work in the area.

    Further info Bridgette: These figures are from the 2001 census.
    Mangakino Pop about 1200-1400 (49% European and 48% Maori)
    22% full time
    12% part time
    10% unemployed
    52% Not in labour force

    43% of houses are empty (mainly baches)

    Rent for a 3 bedroom house generally ranges from about $130 downwards to under $80 per week.
    Let me know if you want more info.


    Profile photo of enduserenduser
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 74

    It might be naive to ask, but, what the heck is this “gang” thing? If it’s what it seems, why the heck doesn’t it get attention and eliminated?

    Profile photo of DilettanteDilettante
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    Oh Gosh,

    I don’t check this website for 1 or 2 days and it’s filled up!

    This forum is like a little community of its own … it’s wonderful! You all sound like you know each other … is this a fair perception?

    Bridgette, CF is shorthand for cash flow – I’m guilty of using that term myself (you may also come to realise that I tend to use a lot of shorthand – apologies for that in advance).

    I’ve just done a general search for properties in the Gore area. They seem reasonably cheap (with some 4br at $90K). I’m making this statement on the basis of prices in Sydney, so that may not be a true reflection in comparison to prices around that area. Is Gore the same as West Gore?

    Can anyone tell me what’s a reasonable price to pay for a 4br or 3br in the Gore district? What is the average rent for 4br or 3br in that area? (I know these info are available through r.e. agents, but I’m usually wary of estimates given by RE agents – I’ve been told that they tend to inflate the rental amount achievable — so wanted to get an investor’s perspective first).

    I’m only starting to learn about NZ, so I’m mindful about not jumping into PI without doing careful and thorough research, but I don’t want to miss out on a good deal either!

    I have also never been to a rural town before – I’ve spent my entire life to date in capital cities, so I have no idea what to look for when trying to invest in non-capital city or inner-city areas. Any tips would be great!

    Thanks heaps in advance to anyone who can help!


    Profile photo of FibejebeFibejebe
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 152

    Hey Painter,
    Which town has Tim Shadbolt as Mayor? [8)] Wherever that man is, is likely to be a good investment. [:D


    There is Kentucky Fried chicken here, but no McDonalds, heaps of childcare places, good schools, they run some of the “free fee” courses here, in conjunction with the Invercargill Polytechnic (SIT),

    Profile photo of Bridgette

    Hi Muppet,

    Cheers, thanks for all the info on Mangakino. I did click on the link and did the search. Here is my thoughts on Mangakino now.

    I feel it is a place that will grow but it will take some time.

    Mangakino I think is still quite untouched maybe too untouched for CG’s in the immediate 3 years. However, maybe one could buy now, sit on it if possible and maybe have something quite valuable in 8 years time once ity is developed a bit more.

    So great to see all the input from others.

    Yes this forum is one great big family.

    Ok, here is another for the Forum to discuss… What do you think about Kawerau?

    Does anyone know if it is a high rental demand area?
    Shortage of rentals there?

    High or low unemployment rate?

    What does the area offer it’s residents?

    Again, lots of properties for sale there.

    Has anyone ever lived there or know helpful info about it?

    Good or bad Investment area? What do you think???

    Hope everyone is having a great week.

    Mini, heaps for you to read when you get back from the tour.


    Profile photo of wilandelwilandel
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 761

    Hi Bridgette,

    I saw Mangakino a couple of weeks ago, and I didn’t get a good feel for it at all.

    It is off the main highway, and it looks like more of a ghetto type area to me, other towns close by, I didn’t think that. I was told crime is quite bad there.

    Cheap isn’t always good.

    Just my 2 cents, for what it’s worth [:)


    Profile photo of Mr_SydneyMr_Sydney
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    Hi all
    How does an aussie go about getting finance for a NZ property? Any recommendations? I heard that you can’t get more than 80% finance.

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Bridgette

    Kawerau is a one industry town. It is very reliant on the timber mill that is the town. It is owned by Norske a Norwegian outfit.

    Census 2001
    Pop 7500 and slowly dropping
    43% European
    50% Maori

    Rent for 3 bedroom house ranges from $100 to $150 per week.

    37% full time employment
    12% part time
    11% unemployed
    38% not in employment

    8.5% empty dwellings

    The town suffers extremes of temperature. It does have very hot days in the summer.

    A fairly high number of children are bused out of Kawerau to Whakatane for schooling each day.

    Your best bet is to talk to a Property Manager in the area. They will give you more idea on the rental capacity of the town.


    Profile photo of painter

    Hi Fibejebe,


    Which town has Tim Shadbolt as Mayor? Wherever that man is, is likely to be a good investment.

    That would be Invercargill, and yes, I agree too, he has done wonders for the place.

    Profile photo of sally1



    Hmmmm okay… this is a tough one but I have heard that the following are selling properties under 50k some under 40k. Check these suburbs out but please remember to think why they are selling them this cheap – has the one and only major business just left town? Has the local gang beefed up their businesses in the area, are all the youth moving out to go to the big smoke.

    Lots of questions to find answers to – there maybe people on this forum who are traveling to NZ soon so maybe you can come to some arrangement with them to help you understand more??? I will let those people contact you.

    Towns to check:

    Gore – too bloody cold if you ask me!

    Best regards


    P.s if you have no idea (like me) where these places are try the NZ map I have on the web site.

    Profile photo of sally1



    Hmmmm okay… this is a tough one but I have heard that the following are selling properties under 50k some under 40k. Check these suburbs out but please remember to think why they are selling them this cheap – has the one and only major business just left town? Has the local gang beefed up their businesses in the area, are all the youth moving out to go to the big smoke.

    Lots of questions to find answers to – there maybe people on this forum who are traveling to NZ soon so maybe you can come to some arrangement with them to help you understand more??? I will let those people contact you.

    Towns to check:

    Gore – too bloody cold if you ask me!

    hi im going to nz 1st nov and tokoroa is 40 odd k from hamilton where im staying with my folks will check it out kind regards chris hope i havnt screwed this msg up


    Profile photo of sophsisophsi
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    Wow! What an amazing amount of information. I’ve been thinking it would take me a while to save up for my first investment property, but after reading this I am closer than I thought! I can’t wait to get started. Thanks to everyone for sharing their hard earned knowledge.


    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 60

    For those that havent see it.

    this is the stats on rental prices for all areas in NZ. (broken down to suburb level). Its run by Tenancy Services (So every bond is required by law to be lodged with them).

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of tamaratamara
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 56

    Mr sydney

    To aquire finance in NZ is just the same as OZ. You can approach lending institutions individually or approach a mortgage broker. As far as know the best finance you can get is 80% the same as off shore investors investing in OZ. I understand the reason for this is the you can not obtain LMI.

    I suggest that you go to Zanis1 (Marc) web site and have a look around it. There is a mountain of information regarding investing in NZ.


    I tend to agree with Dels comments about this place. Having passed through there and called in for work many times, my understanding is that there is a high crime rate – the local cop was murdered there a couple of years ago- and the houses do not seem to be cared for. It makes me suspicious of investing there. These are only my personal feelings.


    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    i would say that as a generalisation, the cheapest houses in NZ are in the highest risk areas.

    Either that or they need a lot of fixing up.

    I heard that the higher the yield with investments, the greater the risk. I would say yeah that sounds about right.

    Like the areas I’ve been buying in, sure they have great cashflow returns but the banks don’t really love lending against them as much as city properties. If it’s usually 20 percent then it’s 30 percent in those areas, if you can get it at all.

    get hold of a broker and ask them for the list of suburbs that you need 30 percent deposit for. I’ll bet you it’s where the best cashflow deals are found.

    yeah mangakino, I think that would be a bit risky myself. however today’s risky is tomorrow’s opportunity. Tasmania is a case in point…i think NZ is going the exact same way…


    Profile photo of RodC

    I might as well put my views in.

    Mangakino, pretty much what others have said. Seems to be high crime and unemployment. Also a lot of leasehold land which changes the sums a bit. There would certainly be some opportunities there but probably at a higher risk.

    Kawerau, As muppet said it’s a one industry town with quite high unemployment. It is however within commuting distance of Whakatane. As with many of these towns there are good and bad streets. With the recent increase in prices in Whakatane apparently a few retirees have been selling up and moving to Kawerau.

    Rental demand is quite high for 3 bedroom homes, not as good for units/townhouses. I don’t think you would have 8.5% empty houses at the moment.


    Profile photo of LucyLouLucyLou
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Hi, I am from NZ, and own a IP in Tokoroa, frankly there are very few IP’s in NZ under 40k and for good reason. What can you really expect for that amount ???
    If you buy in a smaller rural town then you have to expect to have a smaller rental market to source your tenants from etc. Yes , you will get good CF but the CG will be small. And as someone else said earlier that banks will only lend 60-70% of the purchase price. So there are a few things that you need to consider. Personally I wouldn’t recommend buying at that price range.

    Profile photo of RodC

    Welcome to the forum Lucy.

    You are quite correct, there are risks involved with the <$40K properties (and there is usually a reason why they are that cheap). However, there are risks with all properties, just because lower priced ones have a different risk profile than higher priced ones doesn’t necessarily mean they are riskier overall (if you know what I mean).
    You just need to be aware of all the risks and allow for them as much as possible.


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