All Topics / Hotch Potch / Tape “Fast Track”
I spend most of my working life travelling in my car around south west NSW.
I would like to listen to your Fast Track tape but don’t have the time when I’m home.
My car, like most new vehicles these days, only has a CD player.
Can I suggest you look a producing Fast Track and any other audio products on CD.Good call,
I’m in the same position!
How about it guys?
Hi Guys,
Fair point.
The reason Fast Track is only available on CD is two fold;
1) It’s too long to fit onto a CD
2) It become a much more expensive exercise to (re)produce it on CD when it comes to duplication, printing, putting into a case, and mailing it out. Particularly if Fast Track needs to span two CD’s.So, to keep costs down (so that Fast Track is easily affordable and accessible to anyone) we decided to go with Tapes over CD’s, since most people still have a cassette player – even if they haven’t used it in a while.
“Huh? What’s Fast Track” I hear someone say…
If this is you – visit to find out more.If you haven’t heard the tape yet, it’s worth at least looking into. I’ve got a copy of it in my cars right now, and listen to it regularly on the way to work. (And you think I’d get sick of all this property investing stuff[
I hope this answers your question.
Brent Hodgson
Admin ManagerHi Skpola
Any IT person (anyone over the age of 12) should be able to download the tape onto the computer and then burn a CD for you. I personally don’t know how but have heard of heaps of people that do.
To tbe best of my understanding with copyright rules, so long as you have purchased a copy you are allowed to make yourself a backup copy.
Good Luck D
Hi guys
A friend told me that you can also hook a walkman up to your CD player in the car – similar to how I had to hook up my discman thru the tape player so I could listen.
Yay for me – I bought a car last week that has both a tape and a CD!!
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