All Topics / Hotch Potch / mortgage insurance Can you get a refund?

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  • Profile photo of mauricio

    We have just refinanced our property and we did it in less than 12 months As we had the mortgage insurance before I would suspect we should be able to get a rebate on the old mortgage insurance as we obviously did not have it for the term of the loan. Is this correct?

    Profile photo of ajwansajwans
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 45

    Yes you can get a refund of LMI when you refinance.
    I did this earlier this year and got 30% back. I
    probably should have received more but I was happy
    to get anything.

    You do have to ask for it though, and you may have
    to mention the BIO in order to get what you want.


    Profile photo of B.DerosB.Deros
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 34

    Interesting, never occured to me!
    What is BIO?

    Profile photo of mauricio

    thank ajwans for the info can you tell What is BIO?

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024


    LMI is refundable depending on the Company for upto 4 years. The lender get the refund on a sliding scale basis 60% back in Yr 1 45% Yr 2 etc down to 15% in Yr 4 and its upto you to request your refund. If you don’t it just goes in their coffers.

    Cheers Richard

    There is no such thing as a problem.
    Just a solution waiting to be found

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3,781

    You can get it back but it isn’t a simple application.

    BIO is the Banking Ombudsman and I agree that a mention of him usually helps get things moving.

    Good luck,

    Simon Macks
    Mortgage Broker
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of dannadsdannads
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 37

    Hi Everyone

    What’s the go here? My wife and I brought our unit 3 years ago and just refinanced the loan and moved banks. Does that mean we can claim a refund?[:D]


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