All Topics / Forum Frolic / How many hours do you work at work place?

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  • Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    I think I work on avegrage 4 hours every day out of 8. [:P

    Profile photo of ANUBISANUBIS
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 559

    Depends a bit. Some days it feels like 0. Other days I can go 10 hours without a spare minute.

    Profile photo of Arty

    A normal day 9-5:30pm.

    Many Fridays, though we get work in late, which must be done before we leave.. ie 7,8,9,pm ?



    Profile photo of nofearnofear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    For every hour I work, I’ve put in 2 hours of effort. “Normal” shift can be anywhere from 8 hours to 18 hrs.

    But I get lots of job satisfaction….yeah right!

    I admit it….I know nothing..

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Only my weekends are set days…and the work varies. Some days the toys are walking out the store….other days I can go an hour without lifting a finger…except to turn the page of a magazine.

    During the week…if I have to work…its usually back breaking with no lunch break [:(!]

    Just as well I LOVE my job [:D

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of EcclesEccles
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    24 hours a day 7 days a week.

    You guessed it after 12 years working ‘fulltime’ I decided totake a break and raise the family….break…yeah right…work harder and longer then ever!

    Wouldn’t have it any other way.


    If the good die young then I will live forever

    Profile photo of Arty

    Somedays I think its a break going to work… “especially during school holidays”..LOL [:D



    Profile photo of PropertyGuru


    Profile photo of ActTodayActToday
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 232

    We start at 4.30am. Weekdays usually done by 5.00pm but sometimes are still at it 9.00pm. Saturdays and Sundays we usually finish around 8.00am and then go look at properties, do shopping, clear a bit more of the jungle. The more we clear the more we find. So far we have found a lemon, two orange, a mandarine, three fig, an apricot, a loquat and latest find, a grape vine. Can’t wait until we are smart enough to accumulate a property portfolio that is income producing.

    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Guys

    I get to work at about 7:30am and saty until about 5pm. Also have at least one night meeting every month.

    Also get 6 months holiday twice a year.


    Profile photo of PropertyGuru


    6 month holiday Twice a year. WOW!!


    Very long hours 4:30am to 5:00pm.

    I am again on working holiday today. [8D][:P

    Amit [:D

    Profile photo of hgwellshgwells
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 127

    12 hour shifts – 7am to 7pm or 7pm to 7am, but went part time last year so only 3 per fortnight thank heavens. There is nothing good about 4 am – except that 5am is closer to home time. HG

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