All Topics / General Property / Darwin Region

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  • Profile photo of confusedinvestorconfusedinvestor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    I have just been to Darwin for the past couple days as the ship im on pulled in theyre for a well earned port visit. Whilst in Darwin I was trying to get a feel for whats in line for the future theyre.
    The word around town is that its supposed to be becoming the tourism hub of australia. At present theyre is the new rail line being built between Darwin and Adelaide connecting it with the middle of australia (Uluru and alice springs). This will make travel alittle cheaper for those good old backpackers. Along with this the city centre is under major construction wherever you walk. buildings are being refurbished and looking new. Theyre is also a gas pipeline under construction between Darwin and Papu New Guinea.
    One thing I couldnt find out whilst I was theyre was where the good areas to start looking for investments are. As I am new to the whole property investment scene and am 22 years of age, a little bit of help and wisdom to get me kick started would be greatly appreciated. So if any one knows any good inside information about Darwin could you please share it with us and where the so called “respectable” suburbs are[?].

    Russell Wilkie

    Profile photo of nofearnofear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    Respectable area’s in Darwin? Try anywhere OUTSIDE the NT!

    But seriously…Bayview Haven, Fannie Bay, and Cullen Bay are probably the most respectable, but prices are high, and they’re not normally rental area’s.

    This has supposed to become the Tourist Hub for the last 10 years. Don’t hold your breath. Problems being that it’s too stinking hot for half the year; you have to travel for 1-10 hrs outside Darwin to see anything; you can’t swim at the so-called beaches; and cime is rampant.

    Also, there was an article in today’s paper outlining that the Government may reduce the amount of Defence Personnel based up here.

    The so-called Adelaide to Darwin rail isn’t coming to Darwin, but stopping in Palmerston and the Industrial area. No good to tourists, as all the Tourist Hostels/Backpacker lodges are 20 km away in the CBD.

    If you use the search tool, you’ll find another post on Darwin a few days ago.

    Have handcuffs….will travel.

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