All Topics / Opinionated! / ANyone had dealings with Wetpoint Finance??

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  • Profile photo of nicole2


    My partner and I are going along to an Education Program developed by “Westpoint Finance Pty Ltd, designed supposedly to build our knowledge required to make informed decisions when investing in property.
    They have a website

    We have paid a fee of $295 for this program. Westpoint have their own property and have briefly discussed upcoming oppurtunities in Perth, we live in Melbourne.

    We are yet to invest in property but very keen to do so and just don’t know where to begin so thought this may be a good start.

    Has anyone any advice to offer and Im very keen to find out if anyone has had dealings with this company…..what should I be aware of , what are your thoughts??????

    Much appreciated,

    Profile photo of GavinGavin
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 42


    I have never heard of Westpoint Finance, but I would be very sceptical of a company that on one hand is trying to teach you about property investing and on the other hand is trying to sell you real estate.(from their web site looks like off the plan apartments they have developed). Maybe try a search on off the plan apartments on this forum, this type of deals haven’t been popular. Do you own research, I may be wrong but to me “sniff sniff” something smells.

    Best regards,


    Profile photo of SimonBSimonB
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Nicole,
    My mortgage broker mentioned them just the other day. Appearntly they do mezzanine (Where you invest in developments for a return of between 12%-20%+pa) I haven’t been to their information night yet, but have been told that they have been around for 10+ years.


    Profile photo of bribiebribie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 67


    I haven’t heard of them in Brisbane and I would have to agree with Gavin’s sentiments.


    Profile photo of George1George1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 59


    I would watch out.

    1. Their Sydney properties aren’t too crash hot.

    2. Anyone that charges you to see what they offer – finance and property in particular shows that something is fishy. I agree with Gavin.

    Profile photo of nicole2

    Thanks Gavin
    Yes I have a feeling you may be right!!! Im sceptical.


    I have never heard of Westpoint Finance, but I would be very sceptical of a company that on one hand is trying to teach you about property investing and on the other hand is trying to sell you real estate.(from their web site looks like off the plan apartments they have developed). Maybe try a search on off the plan apartments on this forum, this type of deals haven’t been popular. Do you own research, I may be wrong but to me “sniff sniff” something smells.

    Best regards,



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