All Topics / Forum Frolic / Property Investing and Tattoos !

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  • Profile photo of Arty

    I went to the mullet site.. ha.. Id be out of the running.. LOL.. im very short hair’ed’ed ..number #1 with the cutters all over…[:D

    There are many people with tatts you wouldnt know about, because there under clothing… they are very addictive, when you get the 1st one, you find more artwork you like, and you cant stop.. [}:)



    Profile photo of ANUBIS

    I got my first one this year after a 10 year decision on what to get. I have an Irish heritage so ended up with a celtic style crucifix type cross on my right shoulder. Hidden by even a t-shirt, but then I got it for me not for other people to see [:D

    Sure is addictive, and I have the next couple planned out already.

    BTW my boss who is a very senior (female) manager has a tatt but is not willing to show it. (must be somewhere rude!

    Profile photo of Arty

    polar_bear.. i got a sneak peek at my team leaders one.. its on the top of her bum !… LOL [:D

    Pinky has a celtic cross too ! [:D



    Profile photo of ANUBIS

    Go the celtic cross! A mate of mine recently had his family crest put on his inside forearm when his dad passed away – it looks fantastic.

    So the family coat of arms is probably next on my list.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    pinky has a small celtic cross LOL It has roses entwined around it. Saw it..and said DO IT! ( I usually save time and get 2 done in one hit LOL)
    Im always surprised at ppl I consider “straight laced” being tattooed or peirced in the weirdest places! LOL

    Fear….how does one associate with you?? *wink*


    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of ANUBIS

    Hi Pinkster (and Arty)- does that mean you thought me straight laced? No piercings (certainly never a Prince Albert [:O

    Most people I know are unaware of it (including my parents who would be horrified).

    Profile photo of Administrator

    hey bear [:D

    Artys at work…we never post together LOL (he annoys me reading over my shoulder) and the home PC is mine!! MINE!!! *maniacal laff*
    A prince albert? Love it on other people….on me tho? FORGET IT!!
    I always show my mum my new tatts…or she asks to see them. She says shes tempted to get a cat done on her shoulder…but seeing as she wont get her ears peirced coz of the pain factor….I cant see it happening LOL

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of Arty

    ..Arty at work waving ~~**[:D



    Profile photo of investorxdrawdinairinvestorxdrawdinair
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9



    I’m not going to comment about the tattooing.
    My mind just boggles about a business shirt that covers the tatt on your calf!!!!!!

    So I presume you don’t need to use a sock by the time you have that shirt tucked into your trousers!!! LOL

    Perhaps you can explain to someone new to the site, how does all this tie in with property investment? Do you use your profits from rent and property sales to pay for the tatts, pain-killing booze, and the specially made business shirts?

    I think I’ll find other ways to spend my millions.
    Hmmm…. I can think of plenty right now without any effort …. but I’ll keep them to myself for a while and savour them … besides, we’re not supposed to post things like I’m imagining [:O

    Profile photo of Arty

    investorxdrawdinair.. LMAO.. [:D

    Tatts have nothing to do with property investing, but everyone needs a past time hobby. LOL [:D

    Its good to find out more about the formumites here, it was a curious question. [;)



    Profile photo of nofear


    Fear….how does one associate with you?? *wink*

    You DON’T want me to answer that… [:D

    I admit it….I know nothing..

    Profile photo of Administrator

    nofear..NO FAIR!!! [}:)


    ~ If at first you dont succeed…destroy ALL evidence you ever tried to begin with! ~

    Profile photo of boneman

    Somebody asked for op[inions on whether we loved or hated tatts. I neither love them nor hate them. I jus plain don’t understand them. If a guy offered to draw a picture on my arm with some textas I’d say ‘why?’. If he offered to draw a picture that never came off then it would make even less sense to me.

    I think the big problem with tatts is that they are popular at the moment. Kind of a fad. If you’ve always wanted them then fine. However, many people are getting them only because they are currently cool. Down the track when the fad changes these people will be stuck with the tatts that they no longer want. It would be like haveing a pair of purple velour flares that you can never take off – pretty cool once, but kind of embarassing now.

    Also you gotta be pretty careful that the design you choose is one that you will like until you die. Cause that’s how long you’ll have it. If you pull out an old passport photo you’ll see a hairstyle that you liked when the photo was taken, but it’s probably different to what you’ve got now and not one you’d still like. A tatt is like a permanent hairstyle. Choose very wisely.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    it took me 15 years to choose….I hope that was wisely enough LOL

    Im not into fads and the like….I wear black coz I like it….I dont need to be told its “in” fashion or get peer approval. I like what I like [:D

    ~ If at first you dont succeed…destroy ALL evidence you ever tried to begin with! ~

    Profile photo of boneman

    15 years. Yes that’s a very considered choice.

    Profile photo of Arty


    Pinkys more Pinker than a something really pink and add some more pink to it.. then a bit more .. sorta.. pink![:O



    Profile photo of nofear

    Yep, 12 years to pick my tat’, and I normally make decisions very quickly!

    I agree with your what your saying boneman, but for some people it’s more than just a picture on your skin. I don’t understand it myself, so I won’t embarass myself by trying to explain.

    Besides, I’m not trying to convince you to do it……….that sounds very arrogant. Sorry.

    I admit it….I know nothing..

    Profile photo of Arty

    ..its like mobile art. Instead of a piece of art hanging on the wall gaining value. its on your body.. creating a increase of personal value..LOL [:D

    Living Art
    And thats not why im called “Arty”…[:D



    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Guys

    Yeah I have GOT a couple of tats.
    They are on my forehead.
    I got them while I was mowing the lawn and walked into the corner of an aluminum window which the bl…..g wife had opened.

    Thinking……perhaps they could be scars…battle scars.


    Profile photo of Arty

    Ouch!! muppet…

    Ive walked into tree branches while mowing before too.. LOL [:D

    I was stuffing around “as you do”.. with the kids, pretending to walk into the front door without opening it… *bang.. haha.. but i head butted the chain on the door, so I had a cut on my forehead for a week… [:D




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