All Topics / Forum Frolic / Property Investing and Tattoos !

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  • Profile photo of Arty


    I went and got another tattoo yesterday.[}:)

    Anyway, I have:

    Right Arm: [8)

    Left Arm: (shoulder to elbowish) A Wizard with a ball, with my 2 girls names in it.

    Left inside leg: A small “Made in Australia” triangle with an australian kangaroo logo.

    Tommorrow I have a day off work, in getting a Bear being held by a Warrior.[B)

    What do think of tattoos ?, “Art”[:0)] or “Disgusting”[xx(]. Be honest !…

    What tattoos do you have ?



    Profile photo of Arty

    ..Oh I got to add. [:O

    I asked around at work, and my female team leader, has a dragon on her loooower back, she showed the top half only ..DAMN![:D

    I asked for cream (for the tatoo) at safeway.. the staff member there asked me for what.. I said tattoos, and he showed me his LMAO.. under his short sleave shirt, a black armband, so we discussed them in the shop.. LOL [:D



    Profile photo of BanditBandit
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 26

    Doesn’t it hurt like hell???? Never EVER thought about it simply because I think, actually I’m sure, I’m allergic to pain…… More power to you though.

    Profile photo of Arty

    It stings while its being done, and soon as she stops its fine… but you could be sting mode for about a hour non stop.[B)



    Profile photo of Administrator

    I have a few small lady like tatts [}:)

    Im booked in to get another one done next week…
    where did I put the scotch and coke?? LOL

    As for hurting…YES THEY F@$@ING HURT LIKE HELL!!
    As soon as they are done tho…they feel much better and you are left wondering what all the fuss was about. A little sting like sunburn for a few hours and art that lasts a lifetime!!

    But thats just my humble (tatt loving) opinion [:D

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of LAURALAURA
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    I have a tattoo also, at the bottom of my back in the middle. I dont think they hurt too much. The pain is bareable, but annoying. I think they are awsome and i want more done. The thing is they are extremly addictive as u cant just stop at one!!

    Prior planning prevents p*ss poor performance

    Profile photo of Administrator

    LOL @ tatts being addictive! You aint kidding!

    I said I was going to get one…just to see if I REALLY wanted one….now Im planning my 6th!! (and 7th LOL)


    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of Arty

    Im back sporting a fresh tattoo !! [:D

    I got a Viking warrior holding a bear on a chain on my right outside calf. 2.5 hours in start to end. Its a nice relief its done.[|)]

    Im now even with Pinky.. on 5. [:D

    Yes and it does sting persistantly until its done. [:(



    Profile photo of camviv

    Well Arty and Pinky I guess I guess I will have to leave the Tattoo comp to the two of you as I currently have none and probably won’t either. I have nothing against them I have just never thought about them or that I would get any.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    LOL cam…I wasnt ever going to get a tatt. Then
    at 33….I just one day decided….what the hell….you only live once [:D


    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of Arty

    Yeah we thought about them long and hard.[B)



    Profile photo of camviv

    Well Arty now all you have to do is act crazy cut off an ear or something then get paid $2000 a week to stand in a gallery [:D


    Profile photo of Arty


    if I chopped of 1 ear.. id be “van gough” (excuse the spelling if incorrect)…[;)

    if i chopped of 2 ears id be “chopper reed”! [:(

    if I chopped of 3 ears, id be wondering where the other ear came from … LOL [:O



    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Arty

    Go to it. My $100 bet is starting to look good again.

    I have no tats, not really interested. One son has a big buzzy bee on one arm. His nickname is Buzz.
    One daughter has a couple in various places. Her husband has a great big stud in his tongue. That’s not my cup of teat either.


    Profile photo of Arty


    I got rid of the backlog at work yesterday, so im in full swing today ..LOL [:)

    I wasnt into tatts either, I just started about 6 months ago, im 35yo now. I got one with Pinkys real name in a heart, then another tatt with the kids names.. then I got hooked.

    I dont like piercing though, I have the standard 2 small sleepers in the left ear lobe thing.. [:)

    Go on.. get a small cat or something, you can surprise your son and daughters… [:D



    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    While reading this post I am getting pain.


    Profile photo of Arty

    Amit… check out this site..




    Profile photo of PropertyGuru


    Cool! Actually I like small tattoos (especially on girls) But I think feeling of getting it is … [:O

    Have you seen late night Riki show? She had lots of time this topic is her show. [}:)

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    “What do think of tattoos ?, “Art” or “Disgusting”. Be honest !…”

    Hmm….’western’ tattoos? Art… I guess.
    In a repetitive and cliched sort of way – ‘I want a butterfly on my ankle and a rose on my stomach’ . *yawn*

    I work in entertainment so I know lots of people with tattoos, the best ‘art’ i saw was a guy who had only lucky symbols from around the world. His torso, arms and legs were covered! nice and colourful. No scary faces etc. He was pretty cute in a Tommy Lee kind of way.

    Samoan and Maori tattoos are completely different, a part of the culture, a rite of passage. they get it done the old fashioned slow painful way and it’s lifechanging. It’s a ritual. Elders are involved and many people gather.

    the thing that puts me off tattoos is by association – the average hooker has one, and your average jail inmate has a few.
    my friends in rock call the ones on your hands ‘job-stoppers’ hehe

    if it’s some kind of rebellious ‘tribal’ kinda thing, I just don’t think I’m in that tribe.

    And what is with that tendency for female tattoo afficionados to accessories with fake animal prints? and vinyl?
    Luckily, 80’s fashion is back in style right now

    Can we talk about mullets now?

    Profile photo of nofearnofear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12


    the thing that puts me off tattoos is by association – the average hooker has one, and your average jail inmate has a few.

    A little secret……LOTS of Police Officers have tattoo’s. Mind you, a lot of people don’t like associating with Police either. [:(

    Have a Darwin-designed skull in tribal lines on my left upper arm. Wanted a tat’ for about 12 years, but couldn’t find the “right” one. As soon as I saw this one I wanted it. Week later I was looking for another one.

    Some people find it painful….some don’t.

    Have handcuffs….will travel.

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