All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Investing in car spaces

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  • Profile photo of luckyone

    Hello all,
    I have just sourced a car space for $50,000 which is returning 10.5% pa gross. I was wondering if anyone could let me know the pros and cons of investing in a car space. It is in an apartment building with secure entry and exit if that helps.

    Profile photo of Lawry73Lawry73
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 123


    Who will be managing the carspace?

    It sounds like a good yield tho.

    Profile photo of luckyone

    Hey Lawry,

    I don’t know who would be managing the car space as yet. I haven’t looked that far into it. Just rang the agent to find out the figures for body corporate and rent and things. Didn’t even occur to me that it would have to be managed. I’ll have to look into that one.


    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 60

    I wouldnt have thought you would need a manager for a car space???

    unless you really cant handle the occasions when youre advertising it.

    I assume you have see the parking rental sites ..

    NZ Property Investing News

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