All Topics / Hotch Potch / Realistic
I think we are all in the clouds. I have spent coutnless hours looking for properties and talked to countless real estate agents who all say the same thing. There were a lot of positively geared properties up to about 9-12 months ago however they are few and far between now. How long and how many properties do we think we can purchase to be indpendently wealthy. It is taking a lot of you 3-4 months to find one property, that’s 4 pa at say $4,000, 10 years to make $40,000. I bought one property in Sydney two years ago and in the first 12 months I made $100,000 profit from it. Most of these places with postive income are in the middle of nowhere and do not have any growth or very little. I’m as keen as the next person to look on the positive side but from my research, the boat has passed to make the kind of money Steve is talking about.
The boat has never passed on ways to make serious money.
if you lost a gold ring, would you look in only 1 drawer to find it? no you would look everywhere.
There is still a lot of +ve geared property in NZ, and theres a lot of advantages in investing in NZ compared to Aus (search the forums)
Dont forget, the gold you seek doesnt have to come from investing in property either[
NZ Property Investing News
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