All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Offer Contract

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  • Profile photo of rx2_73rx2_73
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24


    I have found a property that I wish to purchase, and wish to put an offer in based on certains conditions ie. Building Inspection, Finance etc.,

    This is the 1st property I have bought, and just want to get the offer letter correct. Does anyone have any templates, or suggestions as to what to include the letter? How long does an offer normally stand for?

    Sorry for the simple questions.

    Kind Regards


    Profile photo of delboy

    Most agents will either ask for an offer in writing. It just needs to state. I …….. wish to put forward an offer of $….. for the property at …………..

    Date and sign it.

    On the other hand, many agents will ask for a checque and signed contract with the offer. Either way is pretty standard.

    When you have submitted your offer the agent must put it to the seller and will get back to you.

    Profile photo of The DIY Dog WashThe DIY Dog Wash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 696


    You must include your conditions on the offer. Saves stacks of headaches later.

    I have a template that I will fax to you if you like email me

    You specify how long your offer is valid for, afterall it is your offer. And you don’t want a open ended offer hanging around out there.

    You can offer anything you want with any terms that you want. It is then up to the vendor to accept or reject the offer. But of course there is no point making an offer unless it is serious and genuine.

    Good Luck.

    Leigh K[:D]

    Read, learn, grow but most of all do it.

    Profile photo of suzieq

    I have placed a counter offer which has been in since Friday of last week and still have not heard a dicky bird from the agent – don’t want to appear to keen, but should I ring her and ask her whats going on or should I just sit tight…..any comments from anyone would be appreciated.


    Profile photo of bc

    I think this is sign of the times, agents have got it too good at the moment. Not too long now and they will have to work for their money again.

    In answer to your question ring them NOW, there is a difference between seeming keen and getting on with your (investing) life.

    BTW did you put a time limit on your counter offer [?]


    Profile photo of suzieq

    BC…unfortunately I did not put a time limit on counter offer (put it down to inexperience)…thanks for your advice. SQ

    Profile photo of bc

    I might have been a bit hard on the agent, there are numerous reasons why they have not got back to you, at least if you ring you can find out what is going on. [:)


    Profile photo of delboy

    You should get back to the agent and let them know that you are looking at other properties, which of course you are, you just don’t have any offers on them. You need to create a bit of urgency for the agent.

    As for agents having it too good, think again. If you really think that agents make loads of money and do no work, I dare you to spend a day in the life of an agent.[:)

    Profile photo of bc

    They choose the job [;)]

    Profile photo of suzieq

    bc I rang the agent – she said she hadn’t heard back from the vendor, then said “are you staying with that offer?”…..wasn’t sure what was meant by that but I said “yes and ok we’ll wait and see what happens, hopefully we’ll hear tomorrow”. So now sitting tight until tomorrow!!![xx(] sq

    Profile photo of delboy

    You wouldn’t have all your luvly juvly investments without the agents.

    They do choose the job and buyers and sellers do decide to be really difficult to deal with, at no fault of the agent.


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