All Topics / The Treasure Chest / SORRY wrong tv show but why not both shows

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  • Profile photo of aj_2

    this maybe a strange suggestion, ACA not t/t are having a tenents story again, seeing that there are the numbers on this forum maybe there is a way we can help find these “====” if t/t gives us a description it may also stop one of us from being stung
    sorry if this is not appropriate (frustrated)

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    Hi aaron

    having missed TT i don’t know what you mean but it sounds fascinating.

    So what was the story?? Was it a tenants from hell or ‘poor tenants’?? Which “======” are we trying to find?
    We could get stung – ‘we’ being landlords???— oh, it’s a tenant from hell story…..

    Profile photo of aj_2


    Hi aaron

    having missed TT i don’t know what you mean but it sounds fascinating.

    So what was the story?? Was it a tenants from hell or ‘poor tenants’?? Which “======” are we trying to find?
    We could get stung – ‘we’ being landlords???— oh, it’s a tenant from hell story…..

    TT 23/9 6.30
    tenents from the tip
    the next landlord
    not sure how we can help But the numbers are in the forum so it could involve someone

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