All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Genius or Dreamer? Your thoughts…..

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  • Profile photo of Chrissos

    Cookster, I have no money no job and have just bought 3 properties in 2 weeks :)

    I have been slowly but surely going through all these informative posts and happened upon this one.

    As most new people here would like to know how this is at all possible and can be done would all you pro’s like to enlighten us a bit. Definately helps fast tracking the info.



    Profile photo of mauricio


    Cookster I have no money no job and have just bought 3 properties in 2 weeks :)

    Profile photo of mauricio

    can you explain how you did it you do not have no money no job

    Profile photo of Chrissos

    I see that there has been plenty of interest with my post but there has been no takers to the question – Is this because it cant be done?

    I’m sure however if it’s true, that this person must have had some capital behind him / her to be able to negotiate the deals or is there something I have missed.

    Would love to get the more active people here if not the originl poster to reply please.

    PS. Like any good info/knowledge I’m guessing that many are worried or guarded about revealing such info. Also – not looking for a get rich quick way of getting IP’s but very curious as to the methods that have been suggested.



    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    Chrissos, I am hell curious too. I wanna know how people buy properties with no job seeing as I will not have one very shortly….
    P.S: hopefully I will as soon as I get back.

    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of mikeejmikeej
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 25

    [:D]The answer to the question is [:O

    Profile photo of HulaQueen

    Buying with no cash or credit:
    All you do is find an investor who likes the idea of the returns you can get. For Wraps you can often offer the investor 25% + on their money, which is very attractive. You have a Joint Venture Agreement drawn up between the two of you. The usual cashflow split is 50/50. Some investors have done JV’s for Buy & Holds as well. You can also do a combination of the following two points:

    Buying with no cash
    Borrow the money from someone for a fixed return, and get the mortgage in your name (or your company name). Interest rates of people I know that do this vary from 8-16%, usually paid quarterly. This is usually just drawn up as a personal loan. You can also arrange to have the seller leave $ in the deal for a fixed return, which is often more attractiv than the interest rate they will get in the bank. This is usually documented by the solicitors, with a lump sum payment in a few years to clear the balance.

    Buying with no credit
    Two options. First – bring on a partner to sign for the mortgage only. Document it with a JV agreement. The investor usually gets a smaller fixed amount, since they have no cash in the deal – maybe $50 – $100 a month. Second – go for a low or no doc lending product. If your deal is good enough the higher interest rate does not matter!!

    This is only the beginning. Real estate is exceptionally flexible… it pays to look for creative solutions.

    Hope that helps!

    Brisbane QLD

    Profile photo of slatzagainslatzagain
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 43


    I’ve often wondered about JV arrangements. Surely once you explain what you want to do to a pontential investor/partner, a wrap, subdivision etc – then they don’t need you any more? If they have the means, you’ve just supplied them with a great idea and put yourself out of the loop.

    Or are we relying on integrity? Just wondering, as I’ve always been curious about JV’s, but have no intimate knowledge about how they’re brokered.


    Profile photo of HulaQueen

    Many people have the credit and the money, but not the knowledge, confidence or time to go out and do it themselves. Most people are THRILLED with a 10% ROI. The idea of a 25%+ investment is very exciting!!

    It’s all about selling the service you are offering, and putting the structure in place to protect yourself (eg having them sign the JV before introducing them to the property you have found).

    It is possible, and this is how most investors that do many wraps structure their business.


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