All Topics / The Treasure Chest / help required in Illawarra (rentback)

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  • Profile photo of aj_2

    Hi folks
    I’m looking for some advice a relo may is in a jam,
    They have just found out the father has motornuron desease (39yrs old) they have just built a house but looks like they will have to sell,how hard would it be to sell/rent back “one less stress”
    any suggestions please

    Profile photo of diclemdiclem
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 537

    I don’t actually have any experience in this, but looking at the situation from an investors viewpoint, I would say it shouldn’t be a problem.

    What better tennant could you have than the people who built the house. Obviously they would look after it. Sounds ideal.

    Just a thought,
    Sue [:)

    Be careful not step on the flowers when you’re looking at the stars

    Profile photo of aj_2


    I don’t actually have any experience in this, but looking at the situation from an investors viewpoint, I would say it shouldn’t be a problem.

    What better tennant could you have than the people who built the house. Obviously they would look after it. Sounds ideal.

    Just a thought,
    Sue [:)

    Thanks that’s what I thought

    Be careful not step on the flowers when you’re looking at the stars

    Profile photo of SallyrSallyr
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    I would be interested in speaking to them if they would like to talk to someone about it


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