All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Innisfail, QLD – $50-80k IPs

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  • Profile photo of M1in24


    I am currently in Innisfail in QLD (45 mins south of Cairns) and there are many properties in the $50-80k range and most are positively geared. Can anyone confirm that they have purchased in Innisfail and their experiences. Also any thoughts about what to watch for apart from the flood areas which I have worked out already.

    Thanks John

    Profile photo of navymtnavymt
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    what is the vacancy rate. and what is the average rental prices. isnt there alot of seasonl workers who rent there?

    i wanna be freeeeeeee

    Profile photo of M1in24

    Nav, rent demand is extreme. rent for entry level is $120-150. the seasonal workers don’t rent houses, they are mostly singles, backpackers, etc.. J

    Profile photo of bc

    >and there are many properties in the $50-80k range

    Not any more, I hear the back being torn of the SOLD stickers from here [;)


    Profile photo of comdom

    I dont think it is wise to publicise in an area where you find property in that price range as it can be snatched from under you and their are over 20,000 members i beleive on this website alone.This has happened before with great resentment and disapointment.

    Profile photo of M1in24

    that’s ok comdom I was aware of what i was doing, my quota is complete – $100k for 2 properties, totaling $240 p/wk. i will move on now but felt others should know, this local market won’t last long. J

    Profile photo of ProfiteerProfiteer
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 29


    that’s ok comdom I was aware of what i was doing, my quota is complete – $100k for 2 properties, totaling $240 p/wk. i will move on now but felt others should know, this local market won’t last long. J

    Hi John

    I agree with Condom, you should not publicise an area that you have found to be a great source of positive cash flow property…..As I have been researching and investing in this area myself you may have jeopardised the potential for me to purchase more property in the area……As a result of your publication you may find an increase in the number of investors in the area. The forum is great for the sharing of knowledge but not a great place for giving away the source of your investments, all the effort of research etc may go down the drain. Once again Thanks.

    Magnum [:(!]

    Profile photo of calroncalron
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 78

    Don’t you think that comment is a little extreme??

    I am please that people share the wealth of knowledge that they have, be it places of investment or knowledge in the methods used to buy in the first place.

    Why would you have missed out??

    I would have thought that now that other people know about this”prime” investment site and that you have done so much research into to the area that you could buy right now and be rest assured that the capital growth of your new investment property will be way ahead of where it would have been..

    The whole point of this forum, I believed anyway that it was to share information..

    Anyway thats my thoughts…
    Innisfail here I come..


    Calron the Alcamist
    Turning things into gold is fun.[;)

    Profile photo of battz71

    Sorry Calron, I have to leap to Comdoms defence. I agree that this forum is a great source of information and gives members the tools they require to become successful positive cashflow investors.

    The key word here is TOOLS. There is no free ride, nor should there be. Once you have the tools, then I believe the onus is on the investor to do the hard work, research the areas, contact the ABS, look at population trends, local industry, proposed future projects etc. I bought my first IP last week, on the back of WEEKS of research.

    The point comdom makes if you spend weeks/months researching an area, and then another member highlighted it to the 20,000 members here, do you think you would be a little upset? You did all the homework, yet another investor (or 20 of them) whom may be cashed up, jumps on a plane and buys 10 properties each.

    Many members here may disagree with me, and I actually expect it. But I have read too many posts asking, “Where should I buy”, or “the are no postive cashflow properties and no-one here will tell me where they are.”

    Not to mention it is far more rewarding if you find that diamond through your own hard work!



    Profile photo of bc

    >>be rest assured that the capital growth of your new investment property will be way ahead of where it would have been..

    Yes but for how long[?]

    In my opinion, this capital growth is ‘false’, it could be similar to talking up a company’s share price and then dumping them. I sure you would agree this helps no-one, except the first seller.


    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 60

    I Disagree,

    Its an individuals decision to share their knowledge of a good area.

    And its natural market forces if someone else beats you to purchase the said 10 properties.

    And if anyone purchases properties based solely on a forum posting, then they may well deserve to get burnt by “false CG”.

    Due dilligence is always required. the reason for you initially researching the area is irrelevant. a post here, your tea leaves telling you to, to a dream.

    Dont forget, someone could post here if they have several properties in that area they are trying to get rid of [;)

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of battz71

    Fair Comment Landlordz,

    But I believe there are some things which shouldn’t necessarily be aired on the forum. For example if someone paid $$$$$$ to attend a 2 or 3 day seminar, should they then come back to the forum and reveal all the “secrets from the course”

    Or if you attended the “Reno Kings” seminar, then came back and uploaded the booklet on the internet.

    Just a thought…



    Profile photo of digglerdiggler
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    Forum or no forum. If you are a serious investor who finds a good + cashflow area and then come on this site and tell people the location in my opinion, you are nothing but a 100% fool! And I am being polite with the word fool!!!

    Profile photo of richmondrichmond
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 831

    Hi Diggler,

    The good thing about forums is that people can share information and debate whatever they like. I think however that you are out of line with personal insults.


    (you’re not a richmond supporter by chance are you?)

    Profile photo of comdom

    Im sorry i brought up the subject but i was just more or less giving advise to M1in12 the reason i mentioned that it would not be good to publicise is that their are al lot of factors involved. If you new the lotto numbers before the draw would you tell somebody,(extreme), if you studied to be a doctor for 6 years would you hand out your assignments, if you were poor and received ten thousand dollars would you give it away to someone rich? Why are people buying iP’s. I only know of 2 good reasons, to become wealthy or to be your own boss. Im sure their are other reasons but i am also sure that the percentage of people will agree with me. I dont think Steve would reveal his locations on this forum. Rich people dont get rich by giving money away. [;)

    Profile photo of aj_2aj_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 86


    Im sorry i brought up the subject but i was just more or less giving advise to M1in12 the reason i mentioned that it would not be good to publicise is that their are al lot of factors involved. If you new the lotto numbers before the draw would you tell somebody,(extreme), if you studied to be a doctor for 6 years would you hand out your assignments, if you were poor and received ten thousand dollars would you give it away to someone rich? Why are people buying iP’s. I only know of 2 good reasons, to become wealthy or to be your own boss. Im sure their are other reasons but i am also sure that the percentage of people will agree with me. I dont think Steve would reveal his locations on this forum. Rich people dont get rich by giving money away. [;)

    Sorry rich poeople do give money away (mainly the god ones)read the book mover of men and mountains It’s as good as rich dad different format it seems to me that out of the20,000 on this forum only asmall number are buying at this time besides while there buying innisfail that leaves the other areas close by open ???

    Profile photo of comdom

    Dont be sorry i have had not one rich person give me money.[;)

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