All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Multiple Choice – Anyone Game?

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  • Profile photo of Gatbe7Gatbe7
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 42

    Hi All,

    Just a quick question to generate some discussion. If you had in the bank $250,000 would you:

    a) Buy 1 property out right (i.e. no mortgage), thus making any rental profit (deducting management fees, maintenance, etc).
    b) Buy two properties with a 50% mortgage on each (deduct the same above).
    c) Buy 4 properties with a 75% mortgage
    d) Other

    Any suggestions and reasons?



    Profile photo of BettyBlockbusterBettyBlockbuster
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 46

    Hi ya
    I’d be looking at how I can put the least amount of money in to get the most out of doing the deals.

    Profile photo of CreminCremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 105

    hmmmm, good questions. Well, Cremin and I would probably buy four places with $62500 deposit on each one. That would nearly pay the whole property off and once it is rented, the tenant would be paying the rest off and there most probably would be a lovely big cache of positive cashflow! I would probably fix the interest on 2 of the properties and have flexible on the other two.

    That’s what we would do anyway…

    Work smarter, not harder!.

    Profile photo of AndrewsalAndrewsal
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 32

    Hey Gatbe
    In the areas that I am looking you could probably buy about 10 IP’s putting down about 25% deposit on each. And with the rent in these areas they would all be +ve cash flow.


    Profile photo of ArtyArty
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 884

    Id go for option “c” 4 IPs, in the long run you will have more assests and cash flow.




    Profile photo of mumblesmumbles
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    It comes down to personal priority. For me, having quit work, I need the positive cashflow – so would be go for one or two properties (ie low gearing).

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Most likely “c”, or any number of IPs at 75-80%LVR that were +ve. If this meant 6, or 11, or whatever number at that LVR, that would be ok.

    If one of these is your own place, buy it outright and then use the equity to invest.


    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    I would try to buy 5-6 freehold properties returning at least 100 per week in rent. 40 to 50K each. Location *you know where*.
    The rest of the money to fix them up. Then get them all valued, tenanted, then go to bank with print out of some lovely paperwork from your flash I am Professional Investor software, including pictures, values, figures, pie graphs, as much meaningful guff as you can make – projections, you name it!!! and try to borrow against them for a LOC. Perhaps individually though, because I heard that cross-collateralisation isn’t the go. So let’s say you can borrow 200K, then you can used that as a 20 percent deposit on a million dollars worth of further CF+ve properties…or a mix of some CF+ve and some for Cap Gain…or you PPOR in a cap gain area….which should be ‘rent free’ just about…or 30 percent deposit on some nice commercial property…maybe a small block of apartments or something??

    cheers- Mini
    hehe, which is coincidentally (not!) exactly like what I am trying to do, except with less capital!

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Take 50,000….buy a house using the 11 second rule. Then Id buy a block of units…with enough left over for a newfoundland puppy :)

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