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Thanks Steve,
Pleasant surprises are always appreciated.
“We aim for Perfection, however excellence will be tolerated.”
Hi Steve,
Heard about this book Satueday night, purchased Sunday. On my wat through. This information is exactly what I am needing. This has the potential to carry us through the superannuation poverty trap in 8 years. Good one. [^]Steve,
You’ve read my mind – this was the one question I had before Taking Action…. cheers…
Tara J
SWEET! I havent read you book yet because I only found your site last night, but I’m download the chapter anyway!….
Just finished the book today. Thanks Steve. I’ll add the chaptrer to it.
It (the book) answered a few questions I had not actually formulated about the negative gearing spiral.
I had heared of people who retired early and had a daisy chain of properties they were living off the proceeds from. I assumed they had paid off the properties but as your book shows – not necessarily so.
I have what I need to start so all there is to do now is …… start.Hi,
I’m happy to help and am pleased that you enjoyed the book.
I’m about 50% through Book #2 and hope to have it ready for publication in mid-October.
Steve McKnight
Remember that success comes from doing things differently.
**********Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO
https://www.propertyinvesting.comSuccess comes from doing things differently
You may end up with two Books in the top ten.
I was in Myers the other day to get a ticket to see the Sainters and noticed your Book is still in the Top Ten at number 6.
Thank you for the Freebeeeeeeeee
I find your writing an excellent toolits so ezy to read.[buz2]
Thank you, Steve!
Your books are great! Strategies do make sense and are easily understood with common sense. I am putting my plan together now and moving forward to next step, Actions.
FrancisThanks for the bonus chapter Steve!
Libby Phan
Hi, I bought 0 to 130 the other day. I too am a former accountant. Hated it. I work in security now. I have just paid out my personal loan for my car, I’ve never had a credit card so I’m ready to start investing. Your book was my first investment of many I hope. Thanks for the extra chapter. I’ve downloaded it and will read it when I finish the book.
I just finished reading the book during the weekend; it was a really interesting reading; showing me a new world of opportunities and concepts that I did not know about.
However, after finishing reading the book I have now a lot more questions that before.. One of the areas which I still don’t understand is how you finance to buy too many properties in just one year … I don’t see from the money is coming.. I understand how is possible to buy an investment property using the equity and saving that I already have .. but how do I get the cash money to buy others 5 o 10 in one year.. could anyone help in relation with this topic.. I will welcome any advice..
Mr. Camacho
Thanks very much Steve,
Can’t wait to start reading.
Very grateful
SnowballThanks for the FREE bons chapter Steve. That act of kindness is greatly appreciated.
In respect to the question about where do you get the money from. There are three sources of funds you can use for deposits:
1. Cash
This is in the form of savings and is the pooled result of more income than expenses.
2. Unrealised Equity
This is in the form of borrowing against equity, which is created from loan repayments and/or capital appreciation.
3. Realised Profits
This is in the form of either positive cashflow rental returns or else realised capital gains.
We use all three to grow our portfolio, with a bias towards #1 and #3.
Have a read back over the chapter where I outline the concept of ‘Multiplication By Division’.
I’m glad you enjoyed the book!
Steve McKnight
Remember that success comes from doing things differently.
**********Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO
https://www.propertyinvesting.comSuccess comes from doing things differently
Thank you Steve…there needs to be more people in the world like you. You are a gem…[thumbsupanim]
thanks for the bonus steve. Looking forward to reading the new book.
Thanks for the link…
One of the best things in life are free as everybody says. Thanks, Steve.
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