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  • Profile photo of Administrator

    Ive started reading the book and Ive come to a few conclusions.

    A. I spend way to much money. Its time to cut back on my semi naked male slaves….or have them wearing less. (Naked male slaves in winter….NOT A PRETTY SIGHT!! hahahaha)

    B. I am intelligent…Im just not very smart. God it hurts to admit that….but I will. I can be as blonde as the next person [:I

    C. I KNOW I can do this…but I have little faith in my knowledge.

    D. I need to start somewhere…and this seems the perfect place.

    I have the money….I have employment…I have the desire….I have the book. Now all I need is a mentor.

    How do I find one of these? Someone that wont get bored talking about figures….and will take the time to explain the 11 second rule over and over until even I understand it! A person that understands the market and is willing to give a lot of advice and a little time to help me out. Someone with the balls to tell me what Im doing wrong…yet the patience to help me correct it.

    Anyone know a person like this that would like to take a fledgling under his or her wing…and teach it how to fly?


    Profile photo of Dreamer1


    Ive started reading the book and Ive come to a few conclusions.

    A. I spend way to much money. Its time to cut back on my semi naked male slaves….or have them wearing less. (Naked male slaves in winter….NOT A PRETTY SIGHT!! hahahaha)

    B. I am intelligent…Im just not very smart. God it hurts to admit that….but I will. I can be as blonde as the next person [:I

    C. I KNOW I can do this…but I have little faith in my knowledge.

    D. I need to start somewhere…and this seems the perfect place.

    I have the money….I have employment…I have the desire….I have the book. Now all I need is a mentor.

    How do I find one of these? Someone that wont get bored talking about figures….and will take the time to explain the 11 second rule over and over until even I understand it! A person that understands the market and is willing to give a lot of advice and a little time to help me out. Someone with the balls to tell me what Im doing wrong…yet the patience to help me correct it.

    Anyone know a person like this that would like to take a fledgling under his or her wing…and teach it how to fly?


    Profile photo of Dreamer1

    Hi Pinky,

    I don’t know much myself and I am trying to learn more. Well, we can learn it together if you want. Here is my email address… Got any question that you want to ask just send it through and see if I can give you an answer or not.


    Profile photo of wayneLwayneL
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 585


    B. I am intelligent…Im just not very smart. God it hurts to admit that….but I will. [:I

    Hahaha, I love that Pinky!

    I think I am exactly the same!

    But I would never admit that on a forum with thousands of members………

    WOOOPS! Looks like I just did[:0)]

    Good luck


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hi Pinky,

    You just descibed my situation (excepting that the male slaves should be replaced by nubile, energetic smiling nymphettes, grateful to be baking in the awe of my prescence !!).

    The 11 second thing is the easy bit. Just divide the projected weekly rent by two. Multiply the answer by 1000, and see how close this arrives at the asking price. Negotiate from there. Remember, it’s only a guide. Alternatively, look for projected rent which annually equates to around 10% of the purchase price.

    Once you have sorted this out, move on to wraps and options. That’s where it gets tricky, but interesting. Remember the 2nd Golden Rule, “Risk equals Return”.

    The first Golden Rule is “He/She who owns the gold .. Rules”. Place yourself in a position of control.

    All the best with your ventures .. your mentoring will come about by way of the collective thought directed to and for you. Keep asking questions, as those with knowledge and experience can’t help but to share it, particularly if they see an error to correct.

    Kind regards, Phil

    Profile photo of aj_2aj_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 86


    Hi Pinky,

    You just descibed my situation (excepting that the male slaves should be replaced by nubile, energetic smiling nymphettes, grateful to be baking in the awe of my prescence !!).

    The 11 second thing is the easy bit. Just divide the projected weekly rent by two. Multiply the answer by 1000, and see how close this arrives at the asking price. Negotiate from there. Remember, it’s only a guide. Alternatively, look for projected rent which annually equates to around 10% of the purchase price.

    Once you have sorted this out, move on to wraps and options. That’s where it gets tricky, but interesting. Remember the 2nd Golden Rule, “Risk equals Return”.

    The first Golden Rule is “He/She who owns the gold .. Rules”. Place yourself in a position of control.

    All the best with your ventures .. your mentoring will come about by way of the collective thought directed to and for you. Keep asking questions, as those with knowledge and experience can’t help but to share it, particularly if they see an error to correct.

    Kind regards, Phil

    Hi pinky
    I’m in the same boat just waiting for the brahmi (memory helper) Ha to kick in

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414

    hey pinky,

    I don’t have people in my ‘real life’ that I can bore stupid with the ins and outs of property investing either and so I post a lot on the forum. we’re all mentoring eachother, really!

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