All Topics / The Treasure Chest / will sign on the dotted line but in need of advice

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  • Profile photo of stevefazak

    Good Afternnon Everybody

    I am think about purchasing my Mum and Dads property in New Zealand, I have applied the 11 sec rule and I will be recieving a good + cash flow ie: (all in NZ$)

    Purchase Price $35,000

    Closing Costs $1,000

    Rent from Mum and Dad $100,00 per week

    property needs a new roof $4,000 and other bit and pieces done to it $1,000, I need a bit of advice please.

    1) Do you think I am charging a good rental price keeping in mind this is My Mum and Dad, and I am thinking about a Win Win outcome”, in terms of due diligence Mum and Dad would make great tenants.

    2) Would you have a building inspection done on the property just in case, this is our family home I grew up in for 20 yrs of my life.

    3) I have about $60K eqity in my current property would you advise me to finance through a Australian Lender or a New Zealander Lender and would I have to pay Mortgage Insurance and how would I go about doing this.

    4) Would you suggest I go home to NZ to take care of all these matters or can I do most of this from Sydney (my other home that I love)

    This will be my first Investment property so as you can see I am trying to cover all my bases, if you could offer any further advise please feel free to do so.



    Profile photo of slatzagainslatzagain
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 43

    Hi Steve,

    I can’t help you much with the financials, but I would advise thinking very carefuly about getting into a financial arrangement with your family.

    We had a similar situation in our family when a sibling bought a house and my mother rented it. Everything may be fine for a long time, but situations eventually change. Looking long term rent issues aren’t always easy to settle, repairs and house upgrades can be contravercial and then there’s the matter of not really being able to sell when you may want or need to.

    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983


    if its +ve cashflow and you can easily come up with a deposit then i dont see the problem.

    ideally if you are in no worse a position (cashflow + borrwoing power) than before you buy the house then
    go for it!!!

    Profile photo of spider_2spider_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 79


    You may need to get finance in NZ for NZ properties.

    Profile photo of stevefazak

    Thanks Spider, see you at the top

    You may need to get finance in NZ for NZ properties.

    Profile photo of susie_langmaid_2susie_langmaid_2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 44

    Steve, cash flow pos. plus a ‘win-win’ situation, go for it. We have two houses on the North Isl and you can only obtain finance from N.Z.
    It’s pretty easy to do it from Aust. Someone suggested Kiwi Bank – you must already have a current account for them to help you. Wizard (in N.Z.) are very helpful or I have a really good mortgage broker over there. If you’d like his e-mail address, just send me an e-mail.

    Cheers big Ears!!!

    Profile photo of fulloutfullout
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 233

    wah? $100,000 a week?
    why do u rent it so high to them? is the area really that good!? hmmm

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