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  • Profile photo of Administrator

    over here. Look…I need a little advice.

    Just between you and me, how does one get rid of the heading “newbie” without constantly posting and hence perhaps becoming annoying?

    I feel like a virgin!! [:O

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over ~ :þ

    Profile photo of BlackJackBlackJack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 111

    LOOOK !!! You’re not a newbie anymore.

    Me either… I feel soiled…

    Profile photo of Administrator

    look at that!! Im soiled too!!

    Ahhhh its good to feeeel dirty again hahahahaha


    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    pinky – you are bad – very very bad[:D

    hope you hang around

    happy investing

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Im bad? Nooo!! Im innocent…ish. Ok Im a little bad…but in a good way [;)]

    Thanx….I like it here…the people are friendly and the advice is good….well thought out and positive (most of the time LOL)

    Happy investing to us both :)

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over ~ :þ

    Profile photo of lifestyle

    Hey pinky, I’m actually a new star member, but I want in on the bad persons club. Think it over, talk it over with the bad person board and c what u can do. C I don’t even spell words. That’s bad.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    ok the Bad Person Committee got together and we decided that…..YOURE IN!!

    Membership fees can be paid to me in cash, cash or cash.

    Be bad..but be good at it [}:)

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of nofearnofear
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12

    Careful people…..there are cops lurking around here….wouldn’t want to get busted would you? [8D]

    Have handcuffs….will travel.

    Profile photo of lifestyle


    ok the Bad Person Committee got together and we decided that…..YOURE IN!!

    Membership fees can be paid to me in cash, cash or cash.

    Be bad..but be good at it [}:)

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    I can’t believe it, you mean I’m in.”LIKE WOW”. I guess I should start by thanking my probation officer and then there’s “LIGHT FINGERED HARRY” and my coach (Cousin no one talks about in the familiy) and a whole range of people. Hope you didn’t have to sell too much of what’s left of your soul to get me in PINKSTER.

    Profile photo of Administrator


    did someone mention handcuffs?? [}:)

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of Administrator

    lifestyle…welcome to the club [:D

    Now all you have to do is get half naked..[:O


    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of Gatbe7

    OK I’m half naked now – am I in the club?

    Please say yes as I am getting some strange stares from the people at work, especially since it’s the bottom half! [:O


    “Good boys go to heaven, bad boys go everywhere!”

    Profile photo of Administrator

    another “member” welcome!!

    Perhaps you should reserve your half nakedness for home and social forumite get-togethers? We dont want you losing your job…(unless your boss really likes you….)

    hahahahahaha [}:)

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of lifestyle


    lifestyle…welcome to the club [:D

    Does that mean I have to put some clothes back on. U C now I’m confused.As for my soul baby, it was gone long ago.How ever as for being P.O.P it has a certain ring to it.Was does this little change in my circumstances get me.Beacause I’d love an AC Cobra, that’s a car Pinkster.A really really nice car, and I know your cashed up. Don’t worry it wont take the whole 50K, just may be 2 thirds of it. But hey, look at the happiness it will bring me.And I will owe it all to you PINKSTER. What a GAL. A black one would be nice, BUT ANY COLOUR WILL DO, I’m not fussy.But a manual 5 speed would be nice.And leather trim, you’d look great in leather trim pinky. Can you see it Pinky.

    Profile photo of Gatbe7

    Cool, I’m a “member”! Does that mean you own my body or soul (or both) Pinky? [:O


    Profile photo of Carlo10

    Hey to all..

    You guys are great! Got great sense of humour [:D

    Profile photo of BanditBandit
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 26
    Profile photo of Carlo10

    I was just kidding.. hehehe playing around with you guys.hehehe

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hey Carlo :)

    Now get half naked…..and join in on alll the fun!! [}:)

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Post number 98 [}:)

    ~ Heaven doesnt want me and Hell is afraid I will take over! ~

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