All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Terry Ryder off Steves Xmas card list
Hi all,
My only post tonight.
I read the article by TR. Obviously ratings were down. Sensationalism does have a way of pulling in the crowds.
I think it’s important to note Steve, that you have made it to official ‘Tall Poppy’ Status and you could view this as a testement to all the hard work and all the good you’ve acomplished and achieved.
The analogy of a Hollywood star who gets both good and bad publicity, might be something you need to get used to. It’s hard to be prepared for people like TR ripping you down publicly, but as you’ve shown by your response your up to the task and handled it superbly.
Your integrity will shine through. All skeptics can take a hike. Your the real McCoy (umm McKnight!)You worked for your success, be proud of it! [8D]
Sooshie []
“small steps make the journey” (SAS)
Man that guy has really no idea at all.
Where does it say that steve is only doing wraps?
That is but one of many strategies, and it pays to tailor the deal with the buyer/renter.
Surely this dude just has had a bad day.
Ive been reading steves book and im finding it quite lberating, as opposed to many of the others.
One other books I enjoy are the “rich dad poor dad” guides to investing.
I guess Terry is doing his job as a critic, albiet a very ineffectual one.
I wonder what its like talking down what other people do for a living but not really doing anything substantial with ones own life?
hmmmmmmm.[8D]Hey All,
Heres another point maybe Terry is dirty coz Steve’s book sells better than his.
Onya Steve – that’s a very big response.
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