All Topics / The Treasure Chest / rural research

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  • Profile photo of feathers

    Hello everyone, another newbie question,
    I am looking at doing some research in a SA country town, can anyone please give me an idea on some websites i can try to get relevant industrial information re employment, growth within city, gov infastructure, possible retnal vacancies and any other info to assist my research. Many thanks and love the forum, it has been so enlightening.

    Profile photo of Melanie

    Hi feathers and welcome! [:)

    I’ve found the web site really helpful – it gives you lots of free ‘facts’ about an area, not sure if they are particularly up to date. Council websites are okay but sometimes terribly out of date.

    Good luck!

    Profile photo of George2George2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 13

    you can try this site

    or if you know the town you want check teh localcouncil web page like the council of orange in NSW
    thay have lots of facts about the growth of the area


    Profile photo of feathers

    Hi Mel and George, tnx for the welcomes and website, i appreciate it greatly. I was struggling there for a while trying to get accurate info, but both those sites are a great help. If i can help anytime with SA please dont hesitate.
    Many thanks again. Feathers

    Profile photo of Melanie


    Another thing to be wary of is the amount that lenders will lend you in rural areas – always good to ask around who people in these towns bank with because the smaller the town the harder it generally is to get out-of-towner lenders onside. If you use a broker even better because they’ll do the hunting for you and should be accredited to send applications to any of the bigger lenders in most towns if need be – ie because you live many miles away.

    Good luck!


    Profile photo of feathers

    Another great idea, thanks again Mel, it is a great tip and something i hadn’t thought of.

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