All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Advice for a young couple

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  • Profile photo of dallasdallas
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    Is owning your own home a good thing?? we’ve got money to invest, as well as a deposit for a home loan. I was going to to both, ie get a home loan (that will keep the wife happy, as she is getting sick of renting), and use the other $15K for investments (be it stocks, real estate, etc). is this a sensible thing (assuming the investments return more than the loan’s interest rate?) or should i focus on the IP/stocks solely, or the home loan and invest once that’s paid off?? any thoughts for a young couple??



    Profile photo of CreminCremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 105

    Dallas, you need to sit down with your wife and discuss what your future goals are going to be.

    For example, my hubby and I have decided that our short term, one year goal is to have purchased 3 properties by the end of next year.

    Our long term goal is to be able to choose to work or not.

    As soon as you have made your financial plan then peoples ideas and suggestions can be incorporated into that. You need a starting block though.

    Work smarter, not harder!.

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