All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Money saving ideas

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  • Profile photo of Most excellentMost excellent
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    Hiya Apollonia,

    The day I started to save money was the day I filled up a glass of water & put my credit card in it ! Then I put it in the freezer !!! [:O

    You’ll be surprised how less you use it, then even more surprised to know that it’s REALLY not needed as much as you think it is. [B)

    This concept of not having it on you can work on cash as well, ya can’t spend what ya don’t have. [;)

    just be

    Profile photo of aj_2

    A question I was asked on transport does it work out cheeper to buy a late model or early model car

    Profile photo of Pebbles_2Pebbles_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 37

    Very interesting post.
    You all have motivated me to shave my legs instead of getting them waxed. [:P]
    That will save me around $80 per month.
    I am also thinking about lowering my limit on my credit card.
    My mobile phone is out of contract, so instead of going into another contract with a great new phone, I will keep the old phone and purchase mobile phone cards.
    Wow, there’s so many ways to save money if you sit down and have a good think about it.
    Next I will start on the kids. Watch out!

    Profile photo of Arty


    I have a F**king swear jar, any c**t that swears in my god D*mn s**th*le has to put a F**king gold coin the bl**dy jar…..

    At this rate im gonna be a millionaire !!!..


    The attempt of humour scribbed above, is for educational purposes only, and to generate an alternate means of financial wealth and income accumulation. All the characters represented here are fictious and the insults “suggested by the mind” are only in the eyes of the reader.




    Profile photo of Administrator

    saving money is easy!! I just havent mastered it yet is all. [:I]

    As for the car matter the make cars are expensive to run. With older models the parts become more expensive as they become rarer but they ARE easy to understand. With newer cars, one little accident is going to set off multiple gadgets you have no hope of understanding, screw with the cars electrical chip and leave you wondering why why you didnt buy a 1973 volkswagon.

    May I suggest you buy a horse…..? [:D

    Profile photo of Administrator

    You might want to get rid of your ISP that will save you a few bucks a month ! [:D

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Pinky

    Yeah… well… now a horse, um… who’s going to catch it in the morning if it is at the far end of the paddock, especially if it’s raining or there is a bleeding great frost.

    Go the Warriors

    Profile photo of Arty

    Muppet.. have you seen how much it costs to maintain horses… with feed, VET bills, adgistment (how ever you spell it..)




    Profile photo of TeyluTeylu
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 68

    I think the minimum in NSW is 50c for Win or Place


    “Has anything you’ve done, made your life Better?”
    (American History X)

    Profile photo of aj_2

    I’ve had the horse used to ride it to work at 5am in kiama (many moons ago)got rid of the horse but still got the saddle

    Profile photo of vik_famvik_fam
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 29


    Hiya Apollonia,

    The day I started to save money was the day I filled up a glass of water & put my credit card in it ! Then I put it in the freezer !!! [:O

    You’ll be surprised how less you use it, then even more surprised to know that it’s REALLY not needed as much as you think it is. [B)

    This concept of not having it on you can work on cash as well, ya can’t spend what ya don’t have. [;)

    just be

    I totally agree.

    I have my boss split my money, 50 % to the bills (mortgage, phone bill, rates) 42 % savings and finally 8% ‘junk’ money.

    $40 per week goes into my junk account. This is the only card I carry. I allow myself to spend it on whatever crap I like. This is my reward for not spending the rest of my money.

    If I need to pay for something from the bills account, I have to get my card from home. This way I have to think about it. I try to pay all the bills once a month only, then put that card out of sight until next month.

    I have only been doing this for a couple of months, but the pile of savings is growing [;)


    Reason can answer questions, but imagination has to ask them. — Ralph Gerard

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Arty

    If you are going to invest in a horse make sure it is a race horse… you may have a chance of making money on winning the Melbourne Cup with it or some other rich Australian horse race. How many houses could you buy with $1m?

    Two ways of saving money:
    1. Walk to work. To do this you must live close by. If you can don’t buy in a CBD. Housing is too expensive.
    2. Work from home.

    For the last 17 years I’ve been able to walk to work. At the moment I have the length of a football field to walk. The downside is the nearest shop is 18 kms away.


    Profile photo of Arty

    muppet… only problem is we have 2 school aged children.. I work and my wife works casual hours… we both have a car, but we paid cash in full for both so there is no loan repay.. we have a 1993 VP commodore, 1993ish TR Magna…

    So its just the running costs…

    We are planning to move to country “at some time” so we will be getting horses in the end anyway…..




    Profile photo of camviv

    This is an interesting free program to discover how much time and money various activities and items cost you.

    “Time, Money & Activities gives you some interesting statistics on buying and time spending habits over your lifetime. If you’ve ever wondered how much money you could save by kicking the smoking habit or how much time you spend watching tv compared to the amount of time you devote to your kids, then this program is for you.
    TMA discovers much about you through your date of birth and an estimate of your lifetime income. It can calculate the percentage of your life or earnings devoted to activities or stuff you’ve purchased. Use TMA to reach your goals!”

    I found it interesting.

    Profile photo of Arty

    You’ve got to think though… do you want to live life restricting all your fun ?… then at the end you discover you missed all the good/fun times… but you have money in the bank. (you cant take it with you when you die..)

    For personal sanity, you need to treat yourself or youll go mad or the stress of a tight budget will make you live life unhappy.

    “dont worry, be happy!”



    Profile photo of richmondrichmond
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 831

    For me, balance is the key… you can be careful with money while not being a total tight a@se. Life is to be lived, and while PI will be the key to living it better, I’m not going to totally restrict myself on everything. Others disagree, and that’s cool… horses for courses, different strokes for different folks etc etc…


    Profile photo of camviv

    Hi Arty2003 I agree doing this for a lifetime is simply no fun at all but if you can commit to a 3 to 5 year plan the benifits far outway the hardships, and you dont need a lot of money to have fun.
    On the weekends I make games with my 2 sons to play and I think that making them with them is just as much fun as playing like last weekend we had a large box so I cut different size holes in it and I got my eldest who is five to put circles around the holes and give each hole a number from 1 to 10 (my youngest who is two and a half decorated the box with every colour in their pencilcase) then I set a line and they had to throw some balls which they already had into the box, I got my oldest to keep score with my help and then we all added up the scores after 3 turns each. I am teaching them numbers and counting while they are having fun.
    If you don’t have children there is always a drive in the country looking at property [:D

    Profile photo of Yvonne_2Yvonne_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Appollonia I bought a software package call Simply Budgets it is very simple and is a very effective way of budgeting for the future. It’s all very well to subscribe to “poverty” in order to save but it’s not sustainable and you will only revert disenchantedly back to your old ways. The idea for creating wealth is to sensibly “Plan” your finances starting from today. This is a very easy and effective way of doing it.

    (I have no financial interest in this company but it sure has helped me break the bad “spending Habits”.

    “It is not the amount of money that you earn that makes you rich but the amount of money that you save”.

    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of Arty

    ..a classic money saving idea…[:)

    Dont pay for internet connections to this forum, post all day for free and no ISP bill !…

    ..just login from looks like your hard at work, when you actually posting in here… and it doesnt cost you a thing.. and you get paid for doing it… LOL [:D

    Thats the beauty of being an Analyst/Programmer our hands are on the keyboard most of the day, so it doesnt look like your slacking off..

    Im running jobs in the background as im in here.

    Id rather be a home though! [;)




    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Arty

    I like that idea. I wondered how you could be answering questions all day, every day.

    I use the school’s internet connection which Telecoms pay most of.


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