All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Fathers Day competition

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  • Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Brett

    It’s called KISS..Keep It Simple Stupid.

    Keep the wee one’s name simple, like Ian or Jim or Bill or Bob.


    PS Hey Westan
    We lost one about 24 yrs ago does that count?

    Profile photo of CreminCremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 105

    Heya Brett,
    ohhh, baby names… um, good ol’ Jake is a good name, Joel, I think I have a J fetish… Al the boys names I like start with J!!

    I think my favourite of all has to be Christopher though. Traditional but my fave. Shame my hubby doesn’t like it…[:(]

    Teylu, me in same boat as you, enjoying the theory of making them, but nothing yet… Kinda thankful for that, gonna wait another couple of years I think…

    Work smarter, not harder!.

    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    So who won Westan Trophy

    Profile photo of westan

    the fathers day competion is closed.

    it is with great pleasure that i have to announce the winner.
    Sadly there can only be one winner (i can’t afford to post too many bottles).
    As you will see there were 2 entries that had 5 children (Not including my own). Muppet and Gocats both have 5.
    After much deliberation and thinking about it all night (oh the pressure of being a judge). i have made my decision and no correspondence will be entered into.
    Thankyou to all who replied to the post and thankyou to the enjolady for her additional prize.
    So the winner is
    MUPPET , yes once again the Kiwi’s take the prize. Muppet just edged out Gocats because he posted first and Gocats had 3 step children (i do appreiate you are still their Dad).
    Bye for now Muppett we will forward the prize to you, actually i will hand deliver it to you.

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Westan

    Sorry I’ve taken so long to answer your last post, Westan. I’ve had the kids on Mt Ruapehu, skiing. Weather was scattered sunshine. The top of the mountain was off limits due to a very strong south easterly. However the children aren’t championship skiers so being in Happy Valley was enough for them. Everyone is burnt and tired.

    Thank you for awarding the prize to me. I would also like to thank all those of you who entered into the fun of this posting.

    I see you have brought up 300 postings, well done.
    (but you still have 3 stars)

    Are any others having trouble accessing posts?


    Profile photo of westan

    hi muppet

    wow what a life, sounds like you are off skiing all the time.[8D] Yes the forum has a few problems at the moment, steve says the new forum will be ready in days.[:)

    regards westan

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