All Topics / The Treasure Chest / NEW 0-130 in 3.5 years BOOK HAS DIFFERENT COVER???

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  • Profile photo of Sach

    HI, i saw a website selling Steve’s Book and it
    had a different cover to the origianl one.
    The new one has a blue cover with houses on the
    front, where as the original has the MELB city
    skyline or somethin similar on cover. Am I seeing

    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hi Sach,

    I wasn’t aware of that. Does that mean that we now own a “collectors item?”

    Now, not only can we make money from the contents of the book, but we can make money by selling the book in a few years time!! he he.

    Del [:)

    Profile photo of Arty

    ..its like Harry Potter.. not all the books have ALL the pages … (did you get the one with all the pages ???? ) ..

    “do you feel lucky punk..well do ya” [:D

    ..its amazing in chapter 34 about “How to dispose of your agents body without anyone knowing!”

    …sorry, I will take my medication now and have a sleep.


    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974

    Hi Sach,

    Wow, you should win a prize for your astute observation!!! [8D]
    I believe Steve is aware of this and has brought it to their attention. If you have the web link though, can you post it please?

    Thanks for catching that ‘OOPs moment’ [:0)]

    Sooshie [:)

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of Sach

    Hey STEVE and SOOSHIE, what is my PRICE.
    something should be coming my way. Really
    appreciate it (hehehehe)….. :)

    Here is the link

    hold on… what pages/chapters are missing from the
    old original book to the new one as on the link???

    Profile photo of olorinsledgeolorinsledge
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 50

    Thank goodness that isn’t the cover that was originally released cause it is nasty… [:P]

    Profile photo of Sach

    Good Judgement OlorinSledge. Does look very different
    to the original cover huh?

    Profile photo of Arty

    Ahhh.. I agree the original one makes the title easier to read !.

    Why was there a new cover created ? before or after the original one…

    There could be a yearly revision… 0 to 130 in 3.years… 0 to 145 in 4.5 years…. 0 to 160 in 5.5 years…. and the “sequel” …. “A Suburb called McKnight”, a story about a suburb created by just one man, 250 Residential properties, commercial/industrial and retail in one tightly knit community….No TAX just higher Rent repayments !!… haha [:D

    I really need to get out more…[B)]



    Profile photo of wilandel

    Hey, they finally used A.D’s sub-title:

    “From Life Sentence to Lifestyle”.

    Well done AD.


    Profile photo of brentbrent
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 165

    The cover on the Angus and Robertson site is very old – in fact, it was one of the original draft covers designs and it never got published.

    I wonder how they got a copy of it…[?]

    Profile photo of Sach

    Hi all, i saw on the forum that either the older
    original book or the newer reprint has some chapters
    or bits n pieces missing. Is this true. ISBN of the
    book is 0 731 400 771

    Profile photo of Arty

    Sach… if you talking about this post :


    ..its like Harry Potter.. not all the books have ALL the pages … (did you get the one with all the pages ???? ) ..

    “do you feel lucky punk..well do ya”

    ..its amazing in chapter 34 about “How to dispose of your agents body without anyone knowing!”

    …sorry, I will take my medication now and have a sleep.


    That was a joke. Unless there is something else someone knows about….



    Profile photo of Arty

    …Sorry Sach …




    Profile photo of Sach

    yeah, i saw it was all a joke, but i thought someone
    else also said some bits are missing. No probs.
    thanks for clearing it all up.

    Profile photo of Arty

    …It would be a great way to sell more copies.. just get everyone to buy the same book, with a different cover [:0)]



    Profile photo of Sach

    Sounds like this was all planned! KIDDING. :)

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