All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Melbourne Suburbs for PPoR

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  • Profile photo of ANUBIS

    Hi all,

    My wife and I are looking at moving to Melbourne in the near future and are not familiar with the area other than as tourists.

    We will be looking to buy a PPoR preferably within 10km of CBD, prefer 3 or 4 bed (not a unit) and budget of around 400k-450k.

    Can anyone provide some suggestions of the nicer/better suburbs?

    Polar Bear

    Profile photo of aussierogueaussierogue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 983

    g’day polar

    nothing east or south for that money unfort

    try north – northcote, fairfield areas

    west try – yarraville and surrounds

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi there,

    Many suburbs.

    Elwood (closer to Brighton) 400 is entry level now.
    Prahran (some still left)
    Port Melbourne (overpriced, but still good properties to be found)
    Maybe still around Albert Park 400 + entry (you might need to do reno’s)
    Many of these suburbs are ‘old’ established suburbs and you might find a few ‘Renos’

    What type of area do you want to live in? Apart from being close to the city, do you want to be close to cafes, parks, schools?

    Sooshie [:)

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of ANUBIS

    Thanks for the info guys. We’d like something nearish (within a few km) to shops and cafes – schools and parks not essential. We do like older style houses for ourselves, like terraces or victorians. Big yard not neccessary at this stage.

    Polar Bear

    Profile photo of ajwans

    PB, you’ve just described Kensington, it’s close
    to the CBD, has the yuppie ammenities, and is
    predominately older style housing.

    You should be able to get in there for the dough
    that you’ve got.

    Otherwise look to Brunswick/Fitzroy, but be careful
    not to buy too close to the commission in Fitzroy.


    Profile photo of olorinsledge

    Or you could go into the western suburbs – 10km to city, period style houses and starting to shake off the stigma from past generations.

    Though if yuppy is what you want, then nah… you won’t like it in the west. :)

    Profile photo of peterppeterp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 307

    Hi PB – you might also have a look at Carnegie (12km SE), though prices have shot up lately. Vibrant local shops, walking distance to everything, train & tram, not far from Chadstone, etc.


    Profile photo of Ash_2Ash_2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 12


    Try Lower Templestove or Doncaster for high society lifestyle.

    If you are prepared to go over 20 km away from the CBD, try Taylors Lakes.

    Also try the website


    Profile photo of ANUBIS

    Thanks guys! This info is great if a little depressing. I wouldn’t say we are yuppies, its a far too expensive hobby to be a yuppie – no money left over for IP’s [:D

    Profile photo of olorinsledge

    Well, like I said – the western suburbs are affordable at around 250k to 350k for a fairly decent house…

    Profile photo of Kirby319Kirby319
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 120

    I live in Moonee Ponds and firmly believe that it, and the surrounding suburbs are the best real estate on the northern and western side of town.

    If you want period style houses then look in Moonee Ponds, Ascot Vale, Kensington or alternativley try Yarraville.

    For $400 to $500k you should be able to get a decent 3 bedder in those areas.

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi there,

    Maybe it’s information overload … “buy West, buy East, buy here, buy there”… [:D

    Sooshie [:)

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of skalleskalle
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    I can see Yarraville being metioned a few times on the recommended list.

    When I moved there in 94(only place I could afford close to the city) there was not even a cafe in the “village” as we call it. There was a horrible pub..thats it!!!! That pub is now… you guessed right!!! an Irish Pub. There is also about 10 other cafes there now and a cinema.

    This might sound like an commercial but is simply highlighting how the west have changed in the last few years.

    Even footscray is starting to get some high auction results. And with the city moving even closer to the west(Docklands will be the size of the current CBD) I am sure soon footscray will be up there with the rest as it is less then 5 mins from the main Docksland area.

    Anyway… just thought I would give you a little insight into the inner west of Melbourne


    Profile photo of babsbabs
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 38

    Hi all,
    Picks for Melbourne around that price range and a good area, I’d be looking at Doncaster, Donvale Camberwell & surrounding suburbs, Eltham, Carlton, Fitzroy, Albert Park. A majority of this houses start from about 400+ but keep a look out theres always that bargain that pops up, for under 400- may need a little renovations, but in the end you’ll reap the reward, you just can’t lose. So if your a bit of a handyperson then I say go for it!!
    Good luck

    Profile photo of ajwans

    ssh Kirby, don’t tell everyone about MP…

    We don’t want all these forumits stomping
    all over our suburb every weekend…



    Profile photo of Most excellentMost excellent
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    Hiya Polar Bear,

    I’ve lived in many suburbs of VIC, my favourites are Eltham, ( with it’s hills, fresh air & morning & evenings smells ). I also enjoy very much the area of Bellvue Hill ( it’s warm surroundings & good money for value living.)

    Eltham @ 400 – 600K
    Bellvue Hill @ 350 – 450K

    Good Luck
    Take Care & Be Good
    just be

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