All Topics / The Treasure Chest / what is a good salary these days?

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  • Profile photo of richmond


    Just curious on people’s perceptions on what a good wage is these days… of course there’s different amounts for different jobs, as there should be…. but, if, you could pick a realistic figure and say I’d be happy with “XXXX” per year, how much would it be?

    It’s just that I was talking to someone the other day and they seemed to think 100k per year is not that much any more… I nearly fell over when he said that!!!

    By the way, I got a new job yesterday, full time producer for 9 news here in Melb!!


    Profile photo of aussierogue

    congrats richmond – how much they paying you??

    just kidding!!

    100 k package is not so unusual these days.

    middle to upper management.

    the average family with 2 working parents pulls in around 70k i think.

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Hi Richmond

    Firstly congrats on the new position. We don’t get Melbourne news in Brissie but well done anyway.

    I guess it all depends on what your expectations are and your general standard of living. I know my wife couldn’t survive if i only earn’t $100,000 pa (keep that quiet she might be reading this under her alias Ms Moneypenny) but personally I could live happily ever after. Cost of living in the major capital cities can often be higher than in regional townships but in turn people in smaller areas can be more content. Money doesnt buy you happiness but if sure can go along way to help.

    Hope you enjoy the new job.

    Cheers Richard

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    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of wayneLwayneL
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 585

    It’s pretty hard living the life of Reilly on anything less than 200-250k these days[:D

    Will get there one day! Just hope that buys more than a loaf of bread and a pint of beer by then[:P]

    Cheers Wayne

    Profile photo of richmond

    Hi aussie rogue,

    9 is not paying me anywhere near what a lot of people might think… preconceptions are a funny thing!!

    I know 100k packages are not unusual, but to me, 100k is still a pretty handy amount to be earning… average family earning 70k sounds about right from stats I’ve read.

    I think any amount around and above 75k per year (individually) is not bad either.


    Profile photo of wilandelwilandel
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 761

    That’s excellent Richmond!

    Your shout at the pub next time !![:D

    Glenn Ridge and two guys, a cameraman and a sound guy were at our farm today doing some filming.

    It was cold!! Not a very glamourous job at times. Our sticky black dirt kept sticking to Glenn’s clean boots!![;)]

    William was driving a tractor for them.
    It was fun and they were nice. (His 15 sec’s of fame).

    Well done,

    Del & Will

    Profile photo of ANUBISANUBIS
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 559

    I guess its all relative. I moved from Tas to Sydney and even though I earn a fair bit more than I did, the lifestyle hasn’t really changed that much.

    I’m not unhappy with what I earn but I guess more is always good, particularly when you go to one wage when having children.

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    i agree richmond 75k is great for anyone.

    in my experience though – earning a salary will not make you too wealthy even if you save. being an investor and getting an inheritance are the best ways to become financially indepandant.

    what also works for me is not wanting much – you become wealthy alot quicker that way

    Profile photo of ArtyArty
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 884

    Richmond, a good wage is one that you dont need to work for !! [:D

    I was on 80K as a IT team leader, I opted to move jobs and jump down 1 notch about 2 years ago, back to a Analyst/Programmer on 60K, a bit less stress and more family time.

    Our IT managers are on about the 100K-120K mark.


    Profile photo of RodCRodC
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 335

    Well done Richmond, I’ll look for your name in the credits.

    I agree with the other comments, 75K is a pretty good wicket to be on.


    Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    Hi Guy’s
    Living in a country town is great our family (wife and 4 kids) survives well on only 60k PA. (we don’t live on any of our property income)
    But it’s not how much you make that matters its how much you spend. I know people who earn heaps more than me and yet they are living week to week.

    Congrads on the promotion Richmond, Eddie must be getting a bit worried.


    Profile photo of ange_dougange_doug
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 11

    Rich, Congrats on the job. Someone told me the other day that 3.7% of people in the Brisbane CBD make $100K and above. Pretty small proportion of the population in the City. Hard to say what a fair thing is though to survive on. The old saying is that “big ships need big sails” rings true. Mate of mine in Townsville making $120K package but has nothing much to show for it. No passive income but has great lifestyle. Balancing act I guess. Personally, I am making almost double the money I was doing the same job in country Qld and not that much further advanced with standard of living. Now spend money on train ticket and commute 20 mins on the train instead of 5 mins in the car. Houses 4 times the price with same or less comfort and more to tempt you in the City for impulsive spending (restaurants, coffees, and football matches). But the City is where work is for us and the lifestyle with all of these add-ons are superb.

    Profile photo of junior2

    Congrats Richo on the new position, need a helper?

    I’d be happy living on anything more than my current salary, litereally 0k and year, seeing as i reinvest every cent. As i’m just a youngn (aussie rogue i’m a roughly 6 and as skinny as half a rake!) i’d be more than happy with 25k+ ( the + been way more desirable!). Westan and steve say you cant save any money if you spent more than you earn, but if you cant spend what you earn, such as me, mum and dad would probably do serious bodily harm to me if i spent any of my investment, you can save but you cant eat! i hope that made sense!

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    junior – one of the major truths to accruing wealth is that you must eat! unless you are a supermodel, and if you are a carlton supporter i doubt that very much.

    Profile photo of junior2

    Obviously not a jo bailey fan aus!
    I eat everynow and then when the dogs let me share there food, although trying to compete with them for food has given my medical bill a substantial rise in costs[}:)

    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Guys
    Congrats on the new job Richmond.
    My TV set is not powerful enough to pick up 9 News here in the middle of the North Island.

    We live on a single income of about $NZ60000. It takes me about 2mins to walk to work living as we do at the end of the football field.
    However our nearest shop is 18 kms away and our nearest shopping centre/garage/bank etc is 41kms and this is a 30min drive away.

    Still the sunrises, the sunsets and the lack of traffic noise more than make up for all the travelling one has to do. The house shakes when a train goes passed sometimes. We average about 27000kms travelling per year and have done so for the last 16 yrs.


    Profile photo of FocusFocus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Hi all,

    tis true, the more you earn the more you spend. Whether that be food, travel, tax etc. Where you live is also really important. Eg. live in the east in sydney and petrol is much more costly than in the west.

    It’s not always the amount you make but how you made it or rather how it was made even whilst you are asleep.

    I’d trade 75k earnt doing overnight shifts for 50k passive…


    Profile photo of ScreminScremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 448

    Wow, congrats on job move Rich. Change is as good as a holiday! Me? I would probably prefer the holiday but hey…

    In Aus we used to survive on $70K-80K conbined and here in UK if you exchange our oney we earn a whopping $130K a year!! The only problem is that it costs us a stupid $70-80K just to live!!! We were hoping to save a lot of that money, but haven’t been able to save a great deal… Boohoo. Have paid off old debts though and will have enough to sort ourselves out to get on the property ladder, but when is enough enough?


    Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

    Profile photo of OzbravoOzbravo
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 19

    Hi Richmond guy.

    From low 6 figures to whatever you can get.

    Bear in mind people will only pay what you believe you are really worth.

    I don’t know why that is…it just is. Spooky hu?

    There seems to be a glut of people between 50k and 75k…For some reason once you break through that barrier and hit 6 figures, your income just seems to take off and I guess so does your confidence which in turn makes you believe that you are worth more.


    Rob [8D]

    Profile photo of aj_2aj_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 86

    It’s nice to hear you guy’s are doing so well I was just woundering if there are the others on simular wage $10000.x2 and doing well, see why I like this forum all the positive people that are willing to share there knowledge with out judgeing or return

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