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  • Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Mini, I’ve always loved the name Heidi, but was never allowed to use it on my girls. We had a family vote for our last child, in case it was a girl. (My wife always wanted to call our baby “Kelsey” if it was a boy, as in Kelsey Grammer, but now all the girls are pinching it!)
    The name that won was Yvette, followed closely by Maeve and Freya which I like, but my Heidi lost out.
    Anyway we had a son! and his name is Kelsey.
    Just a bit of trivia.
    Best Wishes ozirogue!

    PS We now have a famale border collie, and they let me call it Heidi!

    Profile photo of GavinGavin
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 42


    My pick would be Zoe, another name from left field for you to consider, we named our Daughter Charly!!

    Best regards,


    Profile photo of aussierogue

    gavin – wow – charly. i like it!!

    now to convince my wife………

    i like the idea of maybe waiting until she is born
    before making a final decision


    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Aussierogue

    How about Siobahn. It is an old Irish name.

    Grand daughter not born yet. Should be this weekend.


    Profile photo of MelanieMelanie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 382

    Ikes – sprogs appearing everywhere !! [:O]

    Love Charly – very cute, no second name of Angel allowed though!!

    Hmm, if it’s a boy …… my votes are Spencer, Bryon, Giovanni and Angus ….


    Profile photo of aussierogue

    gee melanie – you wouldnt be biased with giovanni
    would you – lol (yr italian stalion!!!)

    hi muppet – tks for the suggestion and good luck for this weekend. when it happens drop us a line!!!

    Profile photo of loressloress
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 21

    Hi Aussierouge

    1. indigo
    2. astrid
    3. Zoe
    4. molly
    5. samantha
    6. hannah

    I think they are all lovely names, having just given birth 6 weeks ago… I have been through the whole name thing over and over and over… I have a beautiful baby girl Alyssa Jordyn, so my advice is probably what you’ve heard lots of times…

    1. make sure that you can’t make a word out of her initials eg: Fran Ashley Thomas – ‘cause the whole FAT thing isn’t very flattering, also make sure your last name and the first initial don’t make a word… poor Peter Eanus.
    2. make sure her name doesn’t rhyme with anything, we loved the name Hunter for our son, but just couldn’t bear the thought of the taunting on that one
    3. finally when your little angel is born, you’re just going to look at her and know – you’ll know what her name is, we ummed and arrrh’d between Alyssa and Alexandra, but when she was born it was easy – let me rephrase that – (it hurt like the clappers)… when she was born – she just was… Alyssa.

    Good Luck and have fun (oh, and cherish these last few quite, peaceful nights!)

    Profile photo of KitteeKittee
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8


    hi from Kittee and congratulations on the impending birth. Best Wishes in advance.
    I know this name is not on your list but it is one that I have liked since I heard it on telly when Australia had the Olympic games –

    the name is:- Aliana !

    What do you think?
    Cheers! [:)


    Profile photo of Elysium-MElysium-M
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 259

    Hey aussierogue,

    I’m reminded of this Simpsons episode where Homer was trying to think of a name for Bart, and said something quite wise – does it rhyme with any rude or nasty words? Because that’s what the kids at school will call them. Pity he couldn’t figure out what rhymes with Bart.

    So here goes:

    Hannah banana
    Molly the wally

    I can’t think of any bad nicknames for the others.

    I personally like Samantha.

    The thing about picking uncommon names is that they’ll be oblivious to it until they get into junior high, and then they’ll hate you for giving it to them until at least after they finish high school (sometimes later).


    Profile photo of BlackJackBlackJack
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 111

    I don’t know about this ‘wait and see what she looks like’ plan…

    When my son was born we hadn’t decided on a name (okay.. we were still arguing about it![:I]) “The Baby” remained just that for about six weeks!!! He then became Benjamin (because we faced a fine if he wasn’t named soon) but that didn’t suit him. He finally became Michael.[^]

    At the age of thirteen he has announced that he wants to be called Max.

    I think the indecision must be in the genes.[;)

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Guys

    Grandaughter born last night at about 9pm.
    8lb 14oz. I think all are well.
    Name is Kahukura meaning red cloak.


    Profile photo of aj_2aj_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 86

    that would not be a mouri name by any chance
    aaron (I’m a bit slow on names)

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Housesitter

    Yeah it is Maori(notice the spelling) Probably will get shortened to K.
    She named her first child Te Manuiti who is now 8 which means little bird. Now commonly called T.
    You just can’t tell mothers anything.

    Hey one to go for the century. Not often a Kiwi scores a hundred in Australia.


    Profile photo of aussierogue

    muppet – congratulations on the new grandchild.

    nice name also….

    happy 100th

    Profile photo of PoorStudentPoorStudent
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    ultimately its up to you, but you don’t have to use a unique name. Here is the names you’ve chosen in my ranking, but remember i’m a nobody and i’ll proably never actually meet her.

    1-Hannah 9
    2-Zoe 9
    3-Samantha 8
    4-Molly 7
    5-indigo 5
    6-Astrid 4

    Sorry if i offended anybody with this, good luck

    P.S. Congratulations all the same!

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 60

    I may be young,

    but thinking back on the girls I had crushes on at school. their names seemed quite good.

    (i moved before their purity a beauty could be ruined)

    would be quite an interesting conversation to be having with my future wife as to why i would want ??? as a name.. heheh

    and then to bump into them a few years down the track.. oooh that could be relaly interesting!

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974

    Hi aussierougue,

    So exciting!
    As a midwife I get to hear some pretty interesting names, like Jinx and Summer Bee (girls names).
    I’ve been elated when as an undergraduate midwife, one of my ladies, asked if she could use my name for her daughter… [8D][8D] Awesome.

    I truly believe the name will come to you, when you hold your daughter in your arms and look at her. Might take a couple of peeks at her to finally settle on one though.

    All the names you picked are great…my fav’s are Samantha and Zoe.

    Wishing your wife an easy birth and wishing you fortitude! [:D

    (resident Midwife) [:)

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    I also forgot my name in the process of finding name for aussierogue [:D

    Profile photo of ArtyArty
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 884



    Wham ! (taking the letters from the name.)
    Dr Who !
    Hami !

    or how about “Amit” LOL [:D



    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    What about Property_Doctor!

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