All Topics / Forum Frolic / read this!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Profile photo of skalleskalle
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    I vote for Hannah,

    My 18 month old daugther is called Hannah :)


    Profile photo of kattankattan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 31


    Hi Mini,

    You were quicker than me I was thinking of finding some name from the name website for aussierouge. [:P


    How about Maya – sounds beautiful (the temptress)


    Profile photo of Kavita

    I like Zoe and Violet (over Indigo)


    Profile photo of aussierogue

    g’day all – tks fpr replies

    leigh k – yr right nice name. ran it by the missus and didnt get the greatest reaction.
    will kepp trying

    amit – nice names aswell. are they indian???

    skalle – youre biased!!!!![:D

    kattan and kavita – i like those signatures – are they real names???

    have thought about maya – its on the list
    violet – little to traditional but nice

    kattan – thanks for calling me roguey!!!

    Profile photo of MelanieMelanie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 382

    This is fun [:0)][:0)]

    Few more:


    ……. are we helping at all ?!?


    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    aussierogue yes they are but simple and easy one!

    I like “Mia” a lot add that also in your list [:P

    According to me name should be new ( not very common ) and easy one.

    Profile photo of dannadsdannads
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 37

    I don’t mind Hannah and Zoe. I am a little concerned about Astrid!! Where does this come from?

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Aussierogue
    Congratson the addition to the family. You will be able to be on line all night.

    How about Indigo Rebekkah Aussierogue.

    It would take her years before she can learn to spell her name.

    Grandaughter hasn’t come yet. Her name will be Kahukura.


    Profile photo of PropertyGuru


    Aussierogue = What is your surname name should suit/match that also at least for a while ( give 20 years[8D]).


    How about Indigo Rebekkah Aussierogue.

    It would take her years before she can learn to spell her name.

    Grandaughter hasn’t come yet. Her name will be Kahukura.
    Have to watch out though, Steve might collect all the good bits and publish a book on the humour coming down the line.

    Profile photo of muppet

    Hi Amit

    I am in the King Country which is basically the centre of the North Island. Anyway a long way from the sea.

    I have one property in Auckland, two in a central North Island starting with T, one house and two flats in Napier.
    The T could be Taupo, Te Kuiti, Turangi, Taumarunui, Tokoroa, Taihape…Take your pick there are +ive cashflow houses in all those towns except maybe Taupo.

    email address is bobabraham at if you want to contact me.

    I will be meeting up with Westan and Diamond later in the month as they are coming over for a reconnaisance trip.

    RodC will also be out in a few weeks.


    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 60

    My 2 cents, but wouldnt it be nice, if it was original enough to get the .com or .id or such for her?

    Hell she’ll probably have a better know how than you on how to do everything computer by the time shes 4.

    When shes at kindy, she can update her blog (even tho they were so 5 years ago! -by then )

    about the first names..
    zoe 10
    the others. cant decide

    If youre looking for exotic how about an irish name: eibhlis (phonetic: ileash)

    mess with all the substitute teachers minds, and only poeple who know her well will be able to find you in the address book (great for when shes working!)

    NZ Property Investing News

    Profile photo of CreminCremin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 105

    Heya Aussierogue,
    have you thought of the name rogue? think along the lines of the X-men… SHe was a really pretty wench!

    Me, I like Samantha, Mia is really pretty, my friend named her daughter Grace, what about… hee hee, being a little superficial here…Stephanie… it’s my name[;)

    Jane is another good one, simple, graceful and not many girls around called that either.


    Work smarter, not harder!.

    Profile photo of Kavita

    Hi aussierogue,

    Yes Kavita is a real name…i think its means poetry. Its an Indian seems to be a very popular name in India. ( Never been there but a lot of Indian seem to be familiar with it)



    Profile photo of Arty

    Kavita – Meaning – poem origin – Hindu Girl

    I found this at a site “”




    Profile photo of Arty


    Arthur – noble, follower of Thor – Celtic – Boy

    Im a noble follower of Thor… now where did that bugger go ??….




    Profile photo of PropertyGuru

    Hi All Whats happening with the general forum I can’t go in error coming is it down ?

    Profile photo of Kavita

    Mr Arty[;)

    I am an Indo Fijian hence that fact that I have never been to India.

    Been to Singapore though …great food and people![:O]

    Profile photo of kazza4kkazza4k
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Hi aussie
    this is my first time here so here goes.
    i absolutely adore the name hannah as it was my nana’s name as she was gorgeous.
    i had three boys
    sean 21
    ben 17
    chris 13
    and then suprise, suprise going again and guess what, yep a girl, i wanted something really special for her name and this one i had only heard once before.
    her name is Shayna-rae
    and i might add that she is just gorgeous, beautiful long red hair, actually a real strawberry colour with silver underneath. she’s 7 yrs old now and play violin which she adores. Her name suits her to the ground. And believe it or not she is not spoilt rotten (lol)
    Hope that wasnt to lengthy
    thanks and good luck with yours

    Profile photo of Roslyn2Roslyn2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Hey Aussie
    Congrats on your precious baby girl. You can choose all the names in the world for your child but until you look into your baby girls eyes you shouldn’t make any choices, because when you see her you will know what she needs to be named and what fits this precious little being. I do agree that in this day and age you dont have to pick every day names, there are so many children that have totally different names and yes some are even made up but it usually shows through in their personalities. Just enjoy her whatever her name is.

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    g’day everyone

    thanks for all the replies. and yes they have helped heaps.

    lots of interesting suggestions. wouldnt it be funny if the doctor got it wrong and a boy popped out!!!!!!!!!!

    end november we are due so will definately let you know what we decide


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