All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Anyone Selling 2nd Hand Property/Investing Books??

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  • Profile photo of Sach

    Just want to see if anyone in the forum is wanting
    to sell second hand or discounted property investing
    and other investing type of books? Keep me posted.
    Really appreciate it.

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    Hi, have you tried eBay? I’ve come across some bargains and purchased quite a few investment books from these auctions.

    Profile photo of fulloutfullout
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 233

    I am. I have a whole library of Property iNvestment books. I keep all my books in excellent (like new!) condition.
    I have books by Jan Somers, Brad Sugars, the Wakelins, etc.
    If you are interested contact me at[:)]

    Profile photo of Sach

    yes, i found some bargains on Ebay, and on Google
    web searches with the right key words.

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Seriously Sach, go down to your local library and get yourself a borrowing card. If it’s like ours, you can book anything online. It’s just such a good service. I just happened to book half a dozen before I saw your post. They send me a letter when the book’s ready for collection. All the libraries in Logan City (south of Brisbane) pool all their books, so the book you want can come from any of them, and it’s delivered to my local one. Easy peasy.
    Even booked James Thurber that way. Strange but funny in places. Google challenge for you: find the context of my signature!

    He who hesitates is sometimes saved!…Thurber.

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