All Topics / The Treasure Chest / probs with nz web sites and addresses

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  • Profile photo of junior2junior2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 50

    I’ve been having problems with looking at the web site, i cant acually get passed the main page due to what the page says is an inability for my computer to read cookies. the cookies function is turned on. why? also has anyone else had problems emaikling harcourt w thompson real estate agents in gore? i have sent 2 or 3 emails in relations to propertys and the emails get rejected, even when sent directly from, their site. Any help appreciated!


    Profile photo of claire_2claire_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Hi J,

    I’ve had the same problem…not sure what the deal is.

    I have also sent a few emails questioning the properties and as yet haven’t heard anything. The real estate agents that I have been calling instead have been mixed, some happy to help, others don’t even know how to use the internet (let alone how their property is there / obviously good admin staff on their behalf)!

    If I make any progress I’ll let you know.



    Profile photo of painter

    Hi Guys, I am a Kiwi living in Gore, be happy to help with any questions, and yes, I have had the same troubles with the site too, but only sometimes, other times works OK. Haven’t managed to figure out why the difference yet tho.

    Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Painter

    Welcome to the forum. Good to have another Kiwi on this side of the Tasman. Makes about four or five that I know of.

    I can access realenz about 99% of the time. However I wish Century21 would list their properties on it. Make it easier all round to see everybodies property on one sight.

    Hey Junior how old is your computer?


    Profile photo of westan

    Hi painter

    i’ve bought two properties in Balclutha and will be moving there next january if all goes to plan. i’ll have to catch up.


    Profile photo of insiderinsider
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 64

    Westan are you from AUs?? Whats forcing the move to NZ?? I am going over there in 6-8 weeks once my company & trust is set up over there. Have you got work organised over there?? I am thinking of moving over there myself. I wouldn’t mind having a chat if you have got the time.

    My email is

    Profile photo of westan

    Hi insider

    i am going to NZ for a long holiday, hope not to work over there, except on a few properties i’ve got and will buy. i’ll probably stay for 1 -3 yrs we will have to see how we like it, we have 4 kids at school so it depends how they go also.
    i’ll get in touch with you

    Profile photo of painter

    Hi again. Muppet, thanks for the welcome, have been lurking around the forum boards to shy to speak up[:I], think i’m over it now [:)


    Hi painter

    i’ve bought two properties in Balclutha and will be moving there next january if all goes to plan. i’ll have to catch up.


    Hi, Welcome in advance, to this neck of the woods. I haven’t been here very long myself, but the people round here seem really friendly. I come from a wee town in Central Otago, and moved here in May, . I have bought a couple of old houses here and working on renovating them at the moment. Getting a hands on education, so to speak (read total novice). Hope all does go to plan for you, and yes, do catch up, will be good to have another like minded person in the area [:)
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