All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Need a switched on Mortgage Broker based in Brisba

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  • Profile photo of adowland

    anyone know of a good broker based in the Brisbane area. I need to sort through a couple of scenarios with someone urgently, the finance clause has been extended to 5/9/03, so I need someone who feels we can get together and do some work and reach a decision before then. Obviously all information to hand when we meet. If possible greatly appreciate the help, otherwise struggle with the system as is at the moment and perhaps forego a (to me anyway) good deal.


    Profile photo of ShaneBShaneB
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 62

    If you’re having trouble with Brizzy (or QLD in general) brokers, go to the net. There are hundreds of good finance deals out there!!!!

    Profile photo of richmondrichmond
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 831

    Don’t feel obliged to use a broker from Brisbane… (Disco) Stu Wemyss from can help you out even though he’s based in Melbourne. I have not used him, but he has been recommended to me by others, while the quality of his posts are a pretty good testament to his abilities. Alternatively, Melanie seems to be pretty switched on too, and she’s based in Brissie.


    Profile photo of HomeLoanGuy


    anyone know of a good broker based in the Brisbane area. I need to sort through a couple of scenarios with someone urgently, the finance clause has been extended to 5/9/03, so I need someone who feels we can get together and do some work and reach a decision before then. Obviously all information to hand when we meet. If possible greatly appreciate the help, otherwise struggle with the system as is at the moment and perhaps forego a (to me anyway) good deal.


    Gary Young
    Home Loan Connexion
    Mobile 0407 64 66 32
    Fax +61 7 4636 4841

    Profile photo of HomeLoanGuy

    Hi Alex,

    Give me a call on 0407 64 66 32.

    Gary Young

    Gary Young
    Home Loan Connexion
    Mobile 0407 64 66 32
    Fax +61 7 4636 4841

    Profile photo of GalvieGalvie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    John Palmer at InterLend
    3899 8588

    very switched on.

    Regsards Rod Galvin

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Hi adowland

    Would like to volunteer ourselves – Your State Home Loans.
    Based in Milton but cover the whole of Queensland.
    Happy to help. 07-3369 6962

    Cheers Richard

    There is no such thing as a problem.
    Just a solution waiting to be found

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of wrapfinancerwrapfinancer
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1


    Profile photo of adowland

    Thanks for the helpful replies have responded to one of them simply because he was the first, but good to see so much help on offer, thanks all.

    Profile photo of MelanieMelanie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 382

    I’m baaaack!!

    Thanks for the good wrap Richmond – Alex I hope you are getting somewhere!! [8)]

    I have had two days computer free acquiring blisters & a tan in the garden trying to finish our reno’s ([B)]) but I can see that the great news & ideas on the forum is surging ahead! [:)

    To add to the family of happy brokers & property investors peppering the site with good info my email is, mobile 0438 548 235 – ie a colleague of Gary’s.

    Now back to the posts …


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