All Topics / The Treasure Chest / WHat are peoples hobbies?

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  • Profile photo of Cremin

    Yeah, a strange sort of question, but I was wondering what all you good people like to do in your spare time (that’s if you’ve got any!!!).

    My hubby is into photography, video editting, playing the guitar and reading lots on property investing.

    Me unfortunately do not have many hobbies other than reading on this forum and going to the gym. I am not a gym junkie or anything coz I only joined last week!! Hee hee. The hobbies I would love to get back into is a whole heap of artie fartie things like mosaicing, painting and having my husband teach me how to make things out of wood.

    So, the balls in your court. What do you do with your spare time?

    Here for a good time not a long time, just do it!.

    Profile photo of hgwellshgwells
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 127

    gardening, looking at property (and thisforum) and I want to get into mosaics but am going to be in plaster for 6 weeks from next Wed so that will have to wait! HG

    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974

    Hi there,

    Property appreciation (a daily occurrence)
    Scuba diving (want to get into underwater photography)
    Painting (abstract, like Kandinsky)
    Travelling (seeing and meeting new cultures)
    Mosaics (I’m in the middle of a project)
    Making babies…just kidding [:0)]

    I’ll stop here before I embarrass myself futher! [;)]

    Sleepy Sooshie [|)]

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of Cremin

    I totally forgot about travel… I love travelling and experiencing the different cultures. EVen here in Uk is a totally different culture from home in Oz. THey value so many different things compared to us…

    Oh well… No place like home eh?

    Here for a good time not a long time, just do it!.

    Profile photo of ArtyArty
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 884


    Computer Games, Drawing (ie pencil sketching.), Ten Pin Bowling, I have kids so thats most of the time, computer programming (“Unix ksh, perl, C, Html, VB, etc..”)….

    But Im hoping to get more free time, as my property investing is established and i can happly announce to the boss the “Im retiring”, I keep dreaming that !.


    Profile photo of aj_2aj_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 86

    Hi folks
    In the past they have been varied from long distance driving horses ect but it’s funny how things change at the moment it’s this forum, a bit of house sitting (a good way to travel), this forum, dreaming of the future were the kid’s get of there expectations and find a job the will last (ha) ow and this forum it’s the only one I’ve found were there are no questionable conversations

    Profile photo of aussierogue


    – playing guitar and listening to music
    (fav ron sexsmith, beck and kiss)
    – travelling (most of seasia and the subcontinent)
    (fav place nepal)
    – sport (tennis, football, water skiing)
    – loving
    – laughing
    – crying
    – furniture making
    – thinking
    – praying
    – practising making babies (not kidding)
    – reading
    – arguing
    – being forgiven
    – making up


    Profile photo of Teylu

    Hey Teylu here.

    Ok I like

    * Listening to Music (RnB, Hip Hop, Rock, Hey I love Ron Sexsmith too. Great song writer)
    * Singing in my Band
    * Eating out. Love going to good resturants
    * Spending time with the love of my life. (She actually thinks that the love of my life is myself)
    * Love Property to bits. Open houses, Auctions and all those bloody TV shows. I can’t get enough.
    * Love a BBQ
    * Love Sport (League, Basketball, Cricket ..everything)


    Central Coast NSW

    “What have you done to make your life better?”
    (American History X)

    Profile photo of Wilko91Wilko91
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 32

    Hi There!
    My hobbies are
    -Sports (tennis, aussie rules, water skiing anything that you can think of really)
    – Scuba diving (havent been for a while but I love the water!)
    -Computer Games
    -And now property!



    PS Hey Teylu I get the same thing from my partner!

    Profile photo of Teylu

    Oops How can I forget the Ocean.

    Damn Man I live 5 moinutes either way to Still water or Open Water. Life sucks right???

    But as it goes for most people in my area we take our surrounds very much for granted.


    PS. Wilko I suspect there might be a few of us like that with our partners.

    Central Coast NSW

    “What have you done to make your life better?”
    (American History X)

    Profile photo of RodCRodC
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 335


    Family, Flying, Property, Photography, Reading.

    Profile photo of MiniMogulMiniMogul
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,414


    wow, not just one but two Ron Sexsmith fans here!!! I’m sooo used to ‘Ron who???’—- hey you have to check out Shane Nicholson too. Local S/s who I hold in very high regard.

    And how do we feel about Elliott Smith? My faaaa—-ve. But I also really love pop. As in the charts. Yes really. I know with Elliott and ROn it’s usually one or the other (pop *or* ‘good music’) but I really do like pop. from pink to teenage dirtbag to delta to lifehouse to beyonce. If I didn’t, what I do would drive me nuts, so lucky really.

    I live and breathe music even when I don’t think that I do. My hobbies….aside from that…let’s see….property investing….hehe…

    That’s been my newest most all consuming ‘hobby’ as it’s involved a year of research, seminars, and weekends away renovating, not to mention the buying process

    Does Reiki count as a hobby? cause i’m a reiki practitioner, though not for $$$ just for love.

    I also grow wheatgrass. (gahd what an urban hippy i am sounding like.) It looks so pretty and makes really disgusting tasting juice that makes you feel a million bucks. I got onto it in the US before you could get it here.

    I also love travel. if I don’t go overseas at least twice a year it’s unusual.
    spending time with my boys – swedish love of life and his son. I’ve been getting quite into digital photography, especially messing with photos after the fact in photoshop. fun.

    i am a girl so I looooooove shopping and fashion and stuff, i have this thing for the belgian designers…
    I have of course seen the error of my spendthrift ways since getting into Prop Inv so my wardrobe is not what it once was. But I still *look*

    Profile photo of SachSach
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    Hobbies…. ummmmm….

    * Collecting memorabilia and sports things
    * Reading
    * Going to movies, socialising
    * Watching LIVE sports at the venue
    * Internet & Computing
    * Keeping fit and sport and gym
    * Keeping up appearances as a **Metrosexual**

    Profile photo of Teylu

    Cool another mad Music lover.

    I always surprise myself with what not listening to music does to me.

    I get so bloody moody.

    I love rock bands like Zep, Deep Purple, and Clapton. Todays music I love most of the pop stuff considering the audience I play to love everything form Jazz to Reggae, to Disco to Classics to top 40. So I keep busy with the usual Radio stuff but I love listen to Smooth Grooves and Sweet Voices. I love Brian McKnight, Maxwell, Boys II Men, Jurassic 5, R Kelly (Music Only not social behaviour).

    I could go on.

    I love this forum it feels so Homely.
    Cheers everyone

    Central Coast NSW

    “What have you done to make your life better?”
    (American History X)

    Profile photo of mcdeyessmcdeyess
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 56


    Investing – Property and Shares.
    Basketball (Keeps me active)
    Camping & Fishing + Beer (Great stress relief)
    AFL (I am an Essendon fan but live in Brisbane so go and watch all the Lions games)
    Cricket (Beer, sunshine and cricket at the GABBA)
    Beer (time for another homebrew batch me thinks)

    Through writing this list it only occurs to me now how many of my activities involve beer :)


    Profile photo of soleilsoleil
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 25

    *Travel (favourite – Africa)
    *Trivia (I want to get on Millionaire) [:)

    Profile photo of Cremin

    Gee thanks guys for your input. It is wonderful to see everyone has multiple hobbies that can take their mind off property investing for a while.

    I thought I didn’t have many but I just remembered a few others, Music, yes I love going to see live bands and recently went to the HUGE Reading Concert here in UK with over 100,000 other people! I also worship the beach, trying to go swimming every day during summer. Being a teacher I am hoping I should be able to do that now!!! (Couldn’t when I worked in retail [:(])

    SAHC, Do you have a pool room for your memorabilia? “Darl, this is going to the pool room.” (AKA, the castle!!) [:D

    Anyway, cheers.

    Here for a good time not a long time, just do it!.

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    yeh i like elliot smith

    play mostly blues/folk so i like everything from
    jack johnson, cruel sea, billy bragg, luka bloom, christy moore and some of the oldies like bb king, muddy waters, woody guthries etc etc

    dont mind pop for a bit of escapism

    favourite authors

    tom robbins, tim winton, kurt vonnegut, joseph hellar

    great to hear everyone and there interests. makes this forum all the more human (rather than just realestate)

    cremin – wish i was at reading also
    mc deyess – go bombers tnite


    Profile photo of MelanieMelanie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 382

    My hobbies:

    – Italian man
    – Italian food
    – All other food ….. [^]
    – Lazy Sunday’s reading the paper cover to cover
    – Playing with my two pug dog puppies
    – All things investing and financial freedom orientated
    – Playing the musak machine (getting into EBTG again at the moment)
    – People watching
    – Playing lots of sports: beach volleyball, indoor mixed netball, swimming in triathlons, tennis, walks in the part (see dogs..!)
    – Watching lots of sports: GO THE LIONS
    – Doing new things: drawing class, cooking class, learning Mandarin, learning italian
    – Travelling everywhere – Papua New Guinea (where I grew up), Australia, South America, Western Europe, Asia, US etc (ie the deposits for all the houses I didn’t buy in my 20’s!!)
    – Gardening and renovating
    – Having fun with family and friends
    – talking for hours to interesting people … obviously …think that’s enough for now [:D


    Profile photo of Cremin

    I love teh cruel sea too!!!
    Yeah, reading rocked! Paul worships Metallica and hasn’t seen them for six years so that was brill for him, me? I liked this band called the Used. Check them out if you haven’t heard about them. THey were seriously cool and held the audience brilliantly.


    Here for a good time not a long time, just do it!.

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