All Topics / The Treasure Chest / STAT Sheet / SCORE Sheet (of all forum IP data)

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  • Profile photo of Sach

    What do you think if there was a Stat Sheet and
    Score sheet of what everyone owns & their basic
    details on the webpage?
    For example who ever wants to participate enters

    1) Age
    2) Number of IP’s
    3) Marital status & Kids
    4) Normal Job Income amount per year
    5) Current value of all property owned
    6) How much housing/morthgage debt
    7) Male -or- Female

    No personal details NEED be entered. Only thing
    is people may figure out from the forum/login
    name. But if we can enter annonymously (sorry bout
    spelling), would be a great idea. Hopefully
    everyone will enter honest figures and data.

    Profile photo of Sach

    Nobody… mmmm maybe a bit too personal of a
    details are asked in the data table. yes. mmmm

    Profile photo of Sach

    Interesting… still no takers…

    Profile photo of Cremin

    I’ll fill it in for ya Sach! Not that there’ll be much in it!

    1) 25 me, 26 hubby
    2)0 IP’s hopefully 3 by middle next year or end of next year at the latest…
    3) Married 0 kids
    4)TEacher £24000 ($60K) Cabinetmaker £25000 ($62K) BUt lots of expense here in London!!!
    5) $0
    6) $0
    7) Female and male (well hubby is male not me both!! hee hee)

    Bet my info gives you absolutely zilcho, but you know, will be more interesting in 6n months time…

    Here for a good time not a long time, just do it!.

    Profile photo of Sach

    Cremin and Steph…. thanks, when are you guys
    coming back to Oz? London nice place? expensive i
    hear. Wont even ask bout real estate prices over

    Profile photo of Sach

    reason i wanted to do stat / score sheet was so
    that we can all get an idea of what eveyone else
    does and how to help each other improve. NOT to
    scam personal data.

    Profile photo of Cremin

    we leave london on Xmas day. Can’t wait! YEah real estate is an absolute joke over here. You can get guzumped at the last minute and the sales always fall through. Ridiculous really.

    Certain aspects of london are nice, ie, history and old buildings and stuff, the actual culture is bullsh*t. Drugs, drugs and more drugs. Booze, drink till you spew your ring up and spend all your money. I mean, I don’t mind the occassionally excessive drinking session, but there are people here that do it every night of the week!!!

    So, it will be nice to get home. Totally different at home and I can’t wait to go to the beach!

    Here for a good time not a long time, just do it!.

    Profile photo of dr housedr house
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 281

    My concern would be misuse of the data unsolicited email etc.
    I would suggest we could do this as an anmynous survey, on the web page, it would be interesting!

    Profile photo of wilandelwilandel
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 761

    Hi Sach,

    Do a “search”. Enter in P.I. Roll call.

    There was a similiar post and everyone told a bit about themselves here.

    It was just after the last Masters Seminar.

    It’s good reading



    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974


    Sach, agree with Del. Here’s the link for you

    I wanted to post it yesterday, but Banana’s In Pyjamas and Pingu won!

    Sometimes, I have this forum on one page and the Bananas singing on another. Seems to keep Simon happy and he’s learning at the same time as I am.

    I thought everyone had one page open to here [;)], a couple pages open to their favourite real estate web site, one on email and another on a couple of other hobbies. I usually have about 5-6 pages running at once. Not including the two for the boys.[:D

    Multi-tasking – the art of juggling

    Sooshie [:)]

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of RentMasterRentMaster
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    It is a shame this forum does not have surveys like I have seen on some other forums.

    Surveys allow you to answer the questions without identifying yourself. It is great to see a quick graph of results.

    Maybe an idea for the future?

    Software for Landlords

    Profile photo of Sach

    May be one day, padi-wan…. maybe one day.

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