All Topics / The Treasure Chest / What’s your profession?

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  • Profile photo of RodCRodC
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 335

    I’m a telecommunications tech. Have been for about 20 yrs.

    Hey JohnB, the message I got from Telstra (no I don’t work for them) yesterday was better – An SMS to say I’d won 2 tickets to a Rugby World Cup game.


    Profile photo of RentMasterRentMaster
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 85

    Hi Guys

    I am a software developer by day and by night when I choose to be. I am 29, and have 3IP’s plus my own PPOR.

    I also support the All Blacks (oops – maybe I should have kept that bit quiet).

    Software for Landlords

    Profile photo of ActTodayActToday
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 232

    My husband and I run a country based building company and I have gone from almost finishing a law degree to stay at home Mum (spina bifida baby) to full time office manager as we have grown and Government paperwork increased. I hate it but have no choice. We have built and sold many times and are now renovating and selling. One day the wedding presents will finally be unpacked [:D

    Profile photo of JohnbJohnb
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 15


    I’m a telecommunications tech. Have been for about 20 yrs.

    Hey JohnB, the message I got from Telstra (no I don’t work for them) yesterday was better – An SMS to say I’d won 2 tickets to a Rugby World Cup game.


    Good stuff Rod, Lucky…… now I’m jealous.

    Profile photo of camvivcamviv
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 114

    Hi everyone
    I am a network administrator by day, a Dad for two great sons, at night a USANA Distributor and on the weekend I am looking for Positive geared homes.

    And its great to be alive [:D

    But most of all I am on the road to time freedom because I know that to suceed you must be 100% comitted to anything that you do.

    I am thankful for this web site because as an old chinese proverb says:

    A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books.


    Profile photo of Lawry73

    This is fantastic, people are more open and casual about themselves, that’s cool.


    Forum addict

    Profile photo of QueenBee

    this is my last day at work, got my redundancy payment (yeehaaa!!), so now mortgage on PPOR is almost paid off and 1 IP. i was in IT (yep, lots of us around) and management consulting, was not bored, just exhausted, too many buzzwords and long, soul-less hours. have been toying with running my own business in something totally different, got involved in trying to set up a cafe with a “friend”, believe me – it’s true, think twice before you enter a partnership with family or friends…still trying to sort that one out. have plenty of ideas, just gotta focus. love to get more IPs and love this forum.


    Profile photo of aj_2aj_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 86


    this is my last day at work, got my redundancy payment (yeehaaa!!), so now mortgage on PPOR is almost paid off and 1 IP. i was in IT (yep, lots of us around) and management consulting, was not bored, just exhausted, too many buzzwords and long, soul-less hours. have been toying with running my own business in something totally different, got involved in trying to set up a cafe with a “friend”, believe me – it’s true, think twice before you enter a partnership with family or friends…still trying to sort that one out. have plenty of ideas, just gotta focus. love to get more IPs and love this forum.


    Hi queenbee
    don’t for get to put some computers in your cafe with this forum as the home page for those of us travelling to look for their next big buy

    Profile photo of ChantellChantell
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    Hey everyone,

    First time I have done this I am a uni student studying Chemical Engineering at the finest university in Australia RMIT. [;)]

    I have always had an interest in investing and have recently find Steve’s book, I was throughly impressed with it. [:)


    Profile photo of QueenBee

    hi aaron, thanks, looks like i’m not the only one with lots of ideas…copious great coffee with like-minded people and fellow forumites, abit like a property hangout. any other feedback ???

    Profile photo of SuperTedSuperTed
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 205

    I was self employed tradesman for 12yrs then changed careers to IT working for large university as a network administrator.

    A lot of safe “IT” jobs are with goverment departments and to me that is where most ppls problem lie. Most of thier peers in these jobs will bring you down to there level of thinking, which in goverment departments can be very low, hey “but the super is good” type mentallity. (ppl in gov dep’s will know what i mean).

    With basically an IT collapse and “outside” jobs scarse I retrained myself in trading derivatives and shares. They didnt know they were actually paying me to trade ;-). After about 6 months trading and making more then the whole yrs IT wage I knew then that it was time to move on and leave the politics and negativity of this sorry place behind.

    I now love what I do but its not easy and i think most people will fail as traders. The best thing that came out of IT for me was being non- emotional and thinking logically about problems, which are both essential for trading and business in general.

    Profile photo of Wilko91Wilko91
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 32

    Hey Chantell,
    I think that you got it wrong about the best uni[:D



    Profile photo of leowsonleowson
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    I was an employee for many years. I worked as a programmer, system analyst/designer, accountant and banker. I was then self-employed as a finacial consultant and then trained as a financial planner. Currently, I own a home based international business, which offers me choices – have the freedom to do what I like, work with people I like and have a better lifestyle. Right now I can type this reply without looking over my shoulders for the boss because I am the boss. I wake up every morning at 10am and start doing my business after lunch! This business not only gives me time freedom, it offers me financial freedom and excellent residual income when my business is built up in the longer term. The start-up cost is low – less than $500 which can be recouped within 2 months. There are other benefits like generous income subsidies and free holidays to reward people who are committed in doing this business. It always rewards people for making effort in building their businesses. We have strategic partnerships with premium corporations.If you like to know more about the business, please email me on and use IP as your email subject.

    Profile photo of sushi03sushi03
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 33

    Hey ppl.

    I am a plastererand while the money is good the job stability isnt. i have been meaning to get into investing for a while now but didnt really have the confidence to get out of my comfort zone.

    But thanks to all of you and especially Steve, Dave and the rest of the team, I managed to get out of that zone and am just waiting for my first IP to settle in Nov.

    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of HueyHuey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 213

    I’m a GRANDMA with 7 kids to look after. X-Industrial Chemist & IT Manager. I enjoy & value everything I have & everything I do. I may be the most senior member in this forum but look younger than Michael(of Kay) [:D



    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    I’m in IT! Lots of spare time to kill on the web.

    I think that sometimes ppl might change jobs to opt for more pay (and obviously more work).. however, I find that the extra pay that I am missing out on if I had changed jobs, I more that make up for if I only find 1 right property in a year.. I would really have to work my butt off for the $100k+ extra that I made on my property![:D

    Tomorrow, you might wish you started today.

    Profile photo of junior2junior2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 50

    I am currently unemployed but still looking for work as a means of earning some money so i can put more into investments assumign its not an apprenticeship or trainee ship that involves a byo wage! just put in for seasonal fire crew member today, bring on the money and great work locations! That said if i can earn enough from investments to spend time on the things that i love ( ie music, youth work and the carlton football club[ who should be premiers next year, go blues]) then i would be happy to not have to deal with a bully boss again! there is something positive to be said about working because you want to, not because you have to!

    I’m also studying real estate representative
    Just making note of the fact that there are so many IT people on this forum…Lots of boredom + unlimited internet access? [:)


    Profile photo of KavitaKavita
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 45


    I am currently working as a Finance Officer for an international organisation. Its an dead end job ( i need to stay in ACT)and today we had 4 employees resign. Its not a fun environment to work in at the moment. Need to find another job, but its very time consuming and I also have to paint my apartment ( i have started on it so I have to cointinue….the walls are grey….so painting it cream…nice and simple)

    Oh I am also trying to studying B Comm….I have a fun unit this semester…Capital Money Markets…its very interesting.

    Profile photo of Lawry73

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the introduction. Hopefully, we get to hear from more people.

    One of the best things out of a forum as such is that we fortify the forumiteship…Mate!

    Go the Swans!
    Go the Roosters!
    Go the Wallabies!
    And go Waltzing Matilda!!!


    Profile photo of richmondrichmond
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 831

    Hi Junior,

    I’m all for being as positive as I can… but if you’re a Carlton supporter, well, what can I say… hehehe… good luck being positive about THAT… hehehe


    (that coming from a tigers supporter… at least we’re a little bit better off than you at the minute!!)

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