All Topics / The Treasure Chest / What’s your profession?

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  • Profile photo of alebamalebam
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2

    I am an unemployed Industrial Chemist, unemployed Java Programmer and now self-employed, which I will have to say is the most satisfying employ I have ever had through 19 years of different professions and muck-a-rounds. (Except for bringing up kids!!)
    My job involves working long hours but I choose them, talking to people, getting payed cash daily, no boss, holidays whenever I want them, good money and work outdoors. Yes it is true!
    Anyone for a Taxi?


    [8)] Always look on straight ahead, you will slow down if you look sideways [8]

    Profile photo of EskapeEskape
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 17

    Hi folks,

    Mainly the so-called “professional” jobs here. Perhaps we are the only ones who can afford a computer[?].
    I am a mechanical draftsman by training but I have had many businesses over the last 30+ years. Truckie, gardener, indoor cricket centre, mechanic, three aquarium shops and contract drafting doing house plans and currently designing industrial and commercial steel buildings for a company in Brisbane. I work from home and have done for some years now. You really have to be strict with time management for SOHO type work to succeed-too many distractions[:D

    Have a great day


    Veni, Vidi, Vici

    Profile photo of golfchampgolfchamp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Hi to all, I work in Disability Accomodation (for the Dept.of Human Services).I have been working in the same job for twenty years.It’s ok. I am new to investing and have just finished reading Steve Mcknight’s book. I live in country Victoria, own my own house, have a deposit saved for an IP and I’m ready to take the big leap!

    Profile photo of motivatedmotivated
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 26

    Hi all,

    I WAS a corporate travel consultant. I now consider myself full time mum and property investor.

    Profile photo of ange_dougange_doug
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 11


    How do I get in touch with you to discuss mortgage broker matters and our financial situation. Feel like current bank is becoming too stifling as we try and go forward with more IPs.

    Ange & Dougall.


    Howdy [:D

    Profile photo of TeyluTeylu
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 68


    I am 27 next Thursday and work in Financial Services and also sing in a Covers Band (Cool Hand Joe’s Allstars http://www.geocities.comthe_chja)

    I have been made redundant but the date is very much up in the air.

    I want to move into Mortgage Broking or work for a Mortgage provider when I finsh up and study Property Valuation part-time.

    It fantastic hearing everyones little storys.

    Profile photo of CashChickCashChick
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 7


    I’m in the Army and have been for the last ten years. Love just about every minute. I’m a jack of all trades and a master of none! I specialise in Finance and I love being an Instructor.

    I get to work extremely long hours, most weekends, get to do lots of courses around the country and also get deployed overseas. Doesn’t leave much time to buy IP’s, but I’m always reading and on the lookout for opportunities.

    I currently have 1 x PPOR (currently renovating), 3 x Rentals, 1 x JV Wrap and 1 x JV Quick Cash deal settling shortly.

    Just remember to stay focused and believe in yourself. You are the only one who can change your own situation for the better. Just get out and do it![8D]


    Profile photo of ArtyArty
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 884

    Im a Analyst/Programmer too..about 14years now..
    im 35yo and I want to leave work for the good relaxing life !.

    There seems to be heaps of IT people here, funny that !

    Profile photo of wilsonkaywilsonkay
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 52

    Hi Everyone,

    I thought I might as well throw my hat in the ring as well :-)

    I am an IT consultant during the day, Lifestlye Planner at night and property investor in my spare time ;-)

    Life is to short to be doing only one thing at any one time – so long as you are doing what you do well!

    Enjoy your day.


    Tim Wilson

    Profile photo of brownwombatbrownwombat
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24

    Ho hum another ex IT. 27 years – programming, analyst / prog, proj admin and mgmnt. Looking for a new challenge !
    Hope u all have a great day [:)

    Profile photo of Lawry73Lawry73
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 123

    Hi all,

    What a mighty post and introductions we’ve got here.

    Investing is for everyone and it can be made simple.

    Anyone who hasn’t introduced himself/herself yet?


    Profile photo of Esther TanEsther Tan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 32

    Hello !

    I work in Sydney for a fund manager in a treasury operations role looking after liquidity needs of Commercial Property Trusts. Been at this role for 2 1/2 years.

    I’m also studying to be a Financial Planner.

    Aiming to get my first IP by April next year [:D

    Profile photo of PandorraPandorra
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3


    in answer to your statement about there not being any real estate agents or property managers on the site, guess what!!![:P] I’m 27 and located in Cranbourne Vic.

    Brought first property at 19 and never looked back.

    Now only working part-time and spend the rest of my time painting, cleaning and doing all those lovely landlord duties!!

    Spend spare time hunting up the next purchase.

    Consider myself very well debt leveraged, (If I sold one propety, I would own another 3 outright) and am fairly strict on my buying criteria.

    Oh, and before you ask, no, I did’not win tattslotto, nor was I given anything other than some encouragement to get on my way!

    In fact I had heaps of trouble getting loans in the begining considering my age and most likely my sex (believe it or not I was told to bring my husband in to speak to him. When I told him I was not married, he said bring in your parents!)[:(

    My motto now is: “You can help me, but you can’t stop me!!”

    Profile photo of babsbabs
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 38

    Hi all,
    Well I work for a Holden Dealership as a Aftermarket/Customer Service Manager. I’ve dabbled in Selling cars but its just not me. I’m not bored with my job because everyday is something different especially dealing with the public. I do have lots of spare time because as you’d realise my jobs a waiting game. I love this forum, its given me so many ideas which I’m grateful for.

    Profile photo of CastleDreamerCastleDreamer
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 288

    Hi all, great to see that so many people are into property in spare time and making it work – I hope!!
    I am a Paramedic in Queensland, working in the Education Centre.
    Bought my first property age 20, 11 years ago, and have been playing in realestate on and off since then. Currently hold two IPs and PPOR in Brisbane. Great area to have been buying in in past 18 months – good gains all round – getting harder and harder to find the gems now though!!

    Profile photo of FocusFocus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    Hi all,

    Am a doctor. Dislike the way the govt. is destroying health care. Would like to not have to worry about costs when treating a human being…
    Sorry i’ll stop now.

    Great forum. Have never been addicted before[:I]

    Have 2IPs, selling one. No PPOR (took me ages to work out what that meant…). Not generally too savy with the $ stuff. Wish they taught Money101 at uni… actually “they” probably would have taught me the wrong thing anyhow [;)].


    ps. yes fears of increasing litigation…[:O]
    pps. just got my insurance premium… cringe

    Profile photo of slick41slick41
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 10

    HI All,

    Been great reading everyones background and jobs.

    10 years Army – electronics apprenticeship
    4 years Hewlett Packard (now Agilent) – servicing electronic commmunications test equipment
    last 5 years sales specialist electronic & electrical equipment for a small family coy.

    Really want to have my own business, maybe back home in Tas, but doing something completely different. Currently studying an MBA to give myself the best opportunity to make it work if I do take the plunge. Do have something unique in mind, but hope I don’t get to it too late.

    About to take the plunge into the first IP – wish me luck!

    Regards, D[8D][8D]

    Profile photo of picja1picja1
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 144

    Hi All,

    I’m a mortgage/finance broker, with a National company with Construction homes,Land Development and Real Estate Agencies combined.
    Never bored

    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974

    Hi there,

    I noticed I’m not the only RN, Rita is too [8D] Although, I’d never go back to general nursing, now that I’ve helped birth babies [:D

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of JohnbJohnb
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 15

    Hi Everyone

    I’ve never seen so much talent in the one place. My name is John if you hadn’t already guessed. Currently in the ACT and moving to Victoria round December. I was running my own pub for a while, currently in IT security and in the not to distance future renovating houses. I love getting dirty and demolishing stuff. Happily married with two crazy kids, driving my wife and I crazy.


    PS Such: I think telstra are a great bunch of people. Just this morning they phoned me up just to tell me I had an Outstanding Account[:D

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