All Topics / The Treasure Chest / RAGS TO RICHES

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  • Profile photo of ausdmx

    Hi everyone,

    for those that dont know me, my name is Adam and i am from Sydney. I am 18 years of age and i have been reading and going to seminars about investing for a few years now. I was thinking of opening a website called rags to riches and i would interview millionaires that you (the readers) would nominate for me to study and then send out a newsletter on the interview and the hot tips he/she gave.

    Let me know what you think. Also if you would like to be involved in it please email me

    Thanks guys, You have all motivated me, and its good to know that people that think like me exist :)

    :: RICHby30 ::

    Profile photo of maximus

    Adam, great idea mate. I saw recently on T.V something about a website called “apprentice millionaire” (I think). Don’t know much about it, but it sounds similar to what you want to achieve. They have a website (not exactly sure of the addy), but I’m sure you will find it as it may help you with your venture.



    Profile photo of ausdmx

    Yes i have heard of them although i want to interview some different people including more PROPERTY MILLIONAIRES etc. thanks for your input maximus :)

    :: RICHby30 ::

    Profile photo of MelanieMelanie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 382

    Good idea, personally I love free informative web sites … !! Plus not only will you meet these people but given your gumption they’ll probably want to adopt you too!


    Profile photo of puissancepuissance
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 72
    Profile photo of ausdmx

    Great, and i think i will have a seminar section too.

    Profile photo of DanTheManDanTheMan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    Keep us posted as to how you get along… i would love to check it out.


    If you want an extraordinary life you have to be prepared to do things that ordinary people aren’t prepared to do.

    Profile photo of kaydeekaydee
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 29

    Well done ausdmx,
    Its great to see young people standing up for what they want and thinking out of the box. I applaud you.

    As for your idea – go for it. Just a tip though remember being a millionaire in property is not just about owning property valued at a million but rather generating the positive income to support a lifestyle commesurate with the statis.

    Just my opinion. I don’t want to be a millionaire on paper – I want the paper in the bank.

    Profile photo of 224013224013
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 8

    Hi Adam there is a book I’ve just read called ordinary millionaires it may give you some ideas

    Profile photo of maximus

    Hi again Adam, reading 224013’s post reminded me of a book also that you may be interested in. It’s called “The millionaire next door” by Thomas J Stanley & William D Danko. Once again, good luck and keep us all posted, hopefully one day you can interview me for your site.



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