All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Gladstone, Rocky and Kingaroy?????

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  • Profile photo of kelly1100

    I’m totally new to this game and like Steve an Accountant who doesn’t want to be a Tax Accountant anymore.

    Does anyone know what properties are like in Gladstone, Rocky and Kingaroy and where to look for economic and demographic information on these towns.

    I have to start somewhere, but an terrified of taking that first leap. Having a 12 year old son who wants to go to University and looking at the increasing cost of University is certainly a driving force for me to get a better income happening.

    All help, advice etc gratefully accepted.

    Deb (Kelly1100 is the size of my partners motor bike)

    Profile photo of Most excellentMost excellent
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    Go for it Kelly and don’t look back, just do, watch, observe, remember and always try again.
    Ya never know till ya have a go !


    Profile photo of hilaryhilary
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 146

    Hi, and good luck.
    A lot of this info is on the real estate sites – etc, but a great site is the qld govt statistics site – just do a google search and follow your nose. There you will find demographics stats, and future proposals, as well as any approved developments.
    Are you from that area?
    A trip is worth the effort and money for the inside local knowledge, but you need to ask the right questions – good and bad.
    As I have said elsewhere on this forum, I believe that area north of the Sunshine Coast is doing a catch up to everything south – some areas have already moved, but Rocky hasn’t. Don’t know about Kingaroy, but Gladstone is such a big exporting town with huge developments that rental returns are so good, therefore the market has already moved, and return is not as great.

    Profile photo of davo70davo70
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 56

    If you are looking at Rocky you have been get a wriggle on as the prices have already begun to skyrocket. Austrlian Bureau of Stats site is also good for information.

    Rocky is currently experiencing slow population decline and weak economy and no future major developments noted. Kingaroy is a major town in the southeast corner with strong reliance on agriculture little industry.

    Gladstone is an economic powerhouse of central qld, good population growth and rapidly rising housing prices.

    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of kelly1100

    Thanks for the advice. I realise I have a lot (read huge) amount to learn. I’m finding this forum both informative and entertaining.

    I hope in time to be posting the news of my first IP.

    What do people think about JV’s. I have a number of friends and clients that are interested in forming a JV to invest in property. We have a builder, accountant (that’s me), doctor, real estate agent, landscaper to name a few. Any suggestions!!!

    Profile photo of MelanieMelanie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 382

    Hello Deb, rider of a Kelly!

    I think JV’s sound great too – we are with a couple of new groups at the moment. I think you’re Bris based? So are we and looking in that area too. Would love to hear from you on Hopefully a Brisbane meeting will materialise in the not too distant future too.


    Profile photo of Lawry73Lawry73
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 123

    I heard of Gladstone’s booming but coming from Sydney, I really have no clue.
    Anyone any hints?

    Profile photo of kelly1100


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