All Topics / The Treasure Chest / my news of the day….!!!

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  • Profile photo of muppetmuppet
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 900

    Hi Min

    Your’re on.
    However there won’t be much snow on the mountain so leave your skis at home. Could take you trout fishing. There is a river on my doorstep.
    School Xmas holidays start on about 20 Dec and the kids don’t start again until late Jan 2004.
    email address is
    How about that with your email address written this way computer crawlers cannot retrieve it.
    That’s my hint for the day.


    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    does that mean you got a zillion emails too containing pif and scr attachments? It’s so annoying, I don’t have a virus and Macs are immune to this sort anyway but I still had my email ‘hacked’ somehow so people were getting emails from me with virusses, which I never sent…!!

    I think I have sorted it out now


    PS Yeah trout fishing sounds great, never done it, only the sea sort of fishing, hey are you into pighunting? many of the locals where my houses are seem to be into it..???!! Not that I want to go, just wondering if you are into it – !!

    Profile photo of Diamond2Diamond2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24

    Hi Muppet,
    Thanks for the tip on skiing. Hubby & i are intermediate skiers & the children 8 & 5 have never skied. Is there a kids learn to ski school? I have limited info on the ski fields. I met Mini last night. We had a great time together. And yes, we yakked till very late. Hi Mini, i`m tired tonight!!Thanks again for dinner & great company, could`ve talked till the wee hours if i didn`t have to work.
    My hands & knee are still buzzing!![:D]
    If we ever all get together Mini & i are going to play & sing American Pie for you all. ( i`m just learning the guitar, so we can`t all met up for at least one year!!!
    Got a new IP today, just thought i`d let you know[:0)]

    Profile photo of westan

    Congrad’s on the New IP. so tells us about it, without giving to much away, what price, rental etc.

    Can’t wait for the duet

    regards westan

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    diamond, that’s brilliant, was it the one you wanted?????
    that you thought you’d missed out on???

    cool about the ‘still buzzing’ part as well!!
    it was gorgeous to see you too and you should have recieved the photos by now!

    PS info about the two north island ski resorts on Ruapehu is here – one is Turoa accessed from the Ohakune side and the other is Whakapapa accessed from the National Park side.

    love Mini

    Profile photo of recoveryman

    hi all
    I ahve been busy since I have been back
    learning to spell and arranging loans and insurance
    I have a NZ sim card if someone needs it
    I area that I brought into is certainly
    on the move
    I offer full price for one property and they
    increased the price I declined
    the rest of the deals I did I am happy with r/t of 9%
    mini I could not phone you back as you never left
    your number

    Profile photo of westan

    hi Recoveryman
    welcome back to the forum

    that speeling has difinatlee improoved.
    I’m a shocker at spelling but i’ve descovered you can edit your own messages which i have done sometimes when i’ve been embarressed over my spelling. (see i can’t even spell that how about a spell checker on the forum?)

    Firstly i’m interested in the SIM card is it a prepaid one ?
    Well done on your hunting trip.
    regards westan

    Profile photo of recoveryman

    it is a prepay, i gave it to my mate who is back
    there would not be much if any credit left
    but it is easy to buy top up cards
    p.s I will get it off him and send it to you
    I need it back when you have finished with it

    Profile photo of Sach

    MiniMogul… the reason your email is sending
    the pif and scr files to others is that it runs
    a tracer program thru the C coding/debugging
    from which your email program is based on, even
    though you have a Mac. In then transfers over to
    Windows PC machines. Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Hey Sach,

    It’s the sobig-F worm, which I apparently can’t get –

    If you are correct then that’s pretty weird, because all my research (and copious use of Norton Anitovirus, Agax, and others) indicates I not only don’t have a virus but can’t catch one. Macs don’t run .exe’s.

    So my email address must have been ‘hacked’ as in the above explanation (the first link) because it was on a another computer (PC) which got the virus and had my email address on it’s database. I guess that’s why changing my password seemed to fix it. Sooshie had it too, so I assumed it was…..

    I think it is sorted out now, I changed the admin server log-in to my web-site, as well as all my email log-ins


    Profile photo of Sach

    Interesting… try and ask around some of the
    IT professionals that are in here. They may
    know. Just post a new topic in regard to this
    as maybe others also are facing the same problem
    if propertyinvesting -dot- com is the reason.

    Everyone in these forums seem to know each other
    very well, with face to face visits / meetings
    etc. Good to see.

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Hi Sach,

    re: IT professionals, -a PC IT person wouldn’t necessarily have a clue about Macs. My mac boffins say it’s impossible.

    No matter what may or may not have been announced officially i know through friends that a suspected computer did have the worm.

    Yeh meeting forumites in real life is fabulous!!
    whether at Steve’s seminars, or at privately arranged get-togethers!!


    Profile photo of Sach

    I figured out why you use a MAC. you are a Music
    and Multimedia person. Saw your website. yeah
    personally i am a huge IBM compatible fan.
    with the flexibility of it and all. Are you a
    singer / songwriter / producer etc?

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    yep all of the above!!!

    update about the house with the fire, house is still in post-fire pending-repairs condition (has been insurance-assessed) – but tenants don’t care about the fireplace, they just wanna move back in (so they have!) – but now the element on the hot water cylinder has gone. Probably nothing to do with the fire (agent thinks.) However tenants would prefer to live there paying full rent rather than not live there while it is getting fixed. they love the place, yay!

    So they are in and I guess i will eventually get $$$ to do the repairs.


    Profile photo of Johnb

    Hi MiniMogul

    After reading this topic I can understand how you got your name. I’m new at this forum stuff and property investment game and you sound so successful, it’s great. I would like your opinion or your boyfriend’s opinion. Can I work for no wages with him when he is renovating so I can learn. Obliviously I would take out protection for your boyfriend so he couldn’t be held responsible for me if there was an accident, we should be able to work something out. I’ll be moving to Melbourne round Xmas. Please consider


    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    Hi John,

    “Hi MiniMogul
    After reading this topic I can understand how you got your name. “

    u mmmm yeah… you make it up when you join the forums – hehe!! It was a bit of a fake-it till-you-make-it name in my case because at the time of joining I don’t think I owned a single property yet!!! “from zero to 3 properties in 6 months”

    >I’m new at this forum stuff and property investment game and >you sound so successful, it’s great.

    Ahhh….hehe…..”sounding” successful is a lot different than “being” successful….I sooo don’t think that I am ‘there’ yet – (though I also think I will be, one day—!) though I enjoy shooting the sh”””t about property investing and at least now i have three which is better than having zero a year ago, I’m very much learning as I go -making every mistake in the book – and writing about it here- and having fun.

    >I would like your opinion or your boyfriend’s opinion. Can I >work for no wages with him when he is renovating so I can >learn.

    Definitely. However we are buying in NZ. If you’d be keen to go there with him next time I’m sure he’d love to have you. We’d pay you too at a labourer’s rate if you want to actually work not just watch…? bring an air mattress and sleeping bag…!!!! or maybe we could pay the airfare…anyway I don
    ‘t know when the next one will be, or where, all I know is that there *will* be a next one!!

    >Obliviously I would take out protection for your boyfriend so >he couldn’t be held responsible for me if there was an >accident, we should be able to work something out.

    Hmm, I’m not sure, is that necessary??
    >I’ll be moving to Melbourne round Xmas. Please consider
    from where???

    email mats (my BF) with your details and maybe you two can chat some time. his email address

    matsfrankl at yahoo dot com


    Profile photo of Johnb

    Hi MiniMogul and Mats

    Thanks for the reply and the positive response. My wife and I often talk of going to NZ but with two young ones are driving us up the wall, we’ll have to wait a year or two.
    It will be good to email Mats to get some reno tips when I need some advice on a job. Can you tell me where I can find info on the average or medium price of houses in Melbourne suburbs, some Mags or web site perhaps?
    We are living in Canberra at the moment. You to must be excited about going to NZ for property, next it’ll be the UK!
    Must go should be working ha ha. Talk soon

    Thanks Johnb

    Profile photo of ADAD
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 636

    Don’t sell yourself short Mini. You add great content and you are always looking to help people. I think you have passed the fake it stage…..

    AD [:0)]

    “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

    Profile photo of MiniMogul

    hi johnb, canberra huh, I’m gonna be there on Monday,,,

    re suburbs, subscribe to API magazine which is good to keep finger on pulse
    there are websites you can purchase info about suburbs, residex or something?

    thanks AD

    Profile photo of Sach

    API = Aus Personal Investor ?!?!

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