All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Queenstown Tasmania

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  • Profile photo of ShaneB

    The numbers seem to add up in Queenstown for +ve cshflw. What are fellow forumites opinions?


    Profile photo of wilsonkaywilsonkay
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 52

    Hi Shane,

    Yes, the numbers for Queenstown would stack up, but if you had been there you would probably understand why!
    It’s an old mining town which is now more of a tourist destination now than anything else. i.e. stagnate if not declining population growth, and very little reason to live there.

    I would suggest you should stick clear of Queenstown, but feel free to check it out for yourself.



    Profile photo of NaughtyJonnyNaughtyJonny
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 33

    The vacancy rate is quite high, and even real estate agents have seemed a little reluctant to *really* sell the place (once I started asking questions about vacancy rates, expected returns, and getting them to property manage places).

    Profile photo of ShaneB
    The vacancy rate is quite high, and even real estate agents have seemed a little reluctant to *really* sell the place (once I started asking questions about vacancy rates, expected returns, and getting them to property manage places).
    [Thanks, guys!!/quote]
    Profile photo of Tasman PropertyTasman Property
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 126

    Hi Shane, I agree with Tim on this one. Nice place to visit, well actually its not – but Strahan is nice (about 25 mins drive away).

    There is a road up the west coast from here. In Tassie it is called the road to nowhere.


    Tas [:D

    Profile photo of ShaneB
    Profile photo of powderfingers

    Hey Shane,

    I think you`d have more fun in one of telstra big pond`s chat rooms.


    Profile photo of ShaneB
    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    powderfingers! lol! 4 short to half century for Shane! forum record goes to Shane!


    I won’t add new subject for forum! but I edit this message to some more comments.

    Shane is at 50 already! I think tomorrow Shooshie will be behind the Shane.

    and then I will start new post 1 to 1000 post by Shane in 2 days!


    Profile photo of powderfingers

    You`re a funny man

    Profile photo of ShaneB

    Appearing for 1 night only!

    Profile photo of RodCRodC
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 335


    forum record goes to Shane!

    I seem to remember hearing something about quality being more important than quantity.

    Haven’t seen much quality here today.

    Profile photo of Esther TanEsther Tan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 32

    Agree with Tas Investor. Queenstown is like a ghost town.

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