All Topics / The Treasure Chest / renting a spouse?

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  • Profile photo of philster

    Hi all, A first time poster

    My Question.
    Can you legally rent a negative geared property to your spouse and claim the associated Tax deductions.

    We are seperated, my wife will live in the rental and pay rent to me.


    Profile photo of aussierogue

    sorry – i misread – i thought you were renting your spouse

    thats a whole new forum

    Profile photo of truebluetrueblue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 142

    No reason why not if your ex spouse pays market rates. There are lots of people who rent properties to their parents, in-laws, brothers & sisters without any problems with the ATO.

    Profile photo of MJK

    It may be a bit difficult if the Spouse owns half the property. Wouldn’t you have to split the rent for Tax purposes.


    Profile photo of philster

    Thanks Guys

    No the property will be in my name fully.


    P.s may be it would be easier if I could rent a spouse!

    Profile photo of Stuart WemyssStuart Wemyss
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 598

    Renting a spouse would obviously relieve us (the males) of the problems associated with ownership (e.g. maintenance, remembering anniversaries etc.).

    Yes, I like the idea of renting.

    (I hope my wife doesn’t read this post!)



    Property & Finance News

    Profile photo of aussierogue

    stu – there are a few other jokes about yields and vacancy rates. (i also hope my wife is not watching).

    the forum is a bit negative today so we need a laugh


    Profile photo of Melanie

    Just listen to you lot, tired of all those yummy dinners, clean clothes and warm tidy home already huh …. hang on my boy does most of that stuff, hmmm, maybe he’d rather have a rental too …[:D


    Profile photo of raynajbraynajb
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Related to the above discussion, could I own a propery in my name, and rent to to my girlfriend (while I co-habit with her in the same property)?



    Profile photo of MJK


    I think what that is called is a “rort” (spellchecker).


    Profile photo of Melanie


    As long as it’s known to be your place of residence yes I think you can rent to your girlfriend IF she has a separate bedroom in the house … might be wrong but I thought that’s what an accountant told me once – comments anyone??

    However, if you are pretending not to live there and claim as 100% rental, refer definition of ‘rort’ …


    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    Is she your legal spouse? If you are separted it should pose no problem as long as it is all done at market rates. But even if you are not legally separated it may pose no problem. Give the ATO a ring and ask. (also ask for the name of the staff member you talk to).


    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of maximusmaximus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    I’ll pay someone to rent my spouse, just kidding, gotta go, here she comes.

    Nothing Darling, just sendind an email.


    Profile photo of daretotrydaretotry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    Wow…I notice that the spouse being rented out automatically became a Female!!!

    Im sure there are a few ladies who would also like to rent out their spouse…or rent a new spouse…maybe a spousal exchange?

    The female ‘spouse’

    Profile photo of DonRicciDonRicci
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    “No reason why not if your ex spouse pays market rates. There are lots of people who rent properties to their parents, in-laws, brothers & sisters without any problems with the ATO.”

    Hi everyone, my first post!

    What is the ATO’s definition of market rates? I rent a villa to my mother-in-law for what we might call a favourable rate. Should it ever be queried by the ATO could I justify it with the argument that the tenant enjoys the rate because she is a super tenant, clean, reliable etc etc.

    Thanks for the great forum.


    Profile photo of spider_2spider_2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 79

    Gidday philster,
    I agree that if everything is done the right way then you should be fine.. To help clarify situations there are some good publications from the ATO. Check out “” or call Publications Distribution Service on 1300 720 092 and if all else fails then call Personal Tax Infoline on their toll free number 13 28 61.
    That is what we pay taxes for, so you may as well let the ATO work for you.
    Have a good one,

    Profile photo of Lawry73Lawry73
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 123

    This is a funny post.

    Profile photo of Melanie


    I’d be a little bit careful – know someone who was caught out taking a low declared rent and a little bit extra under the table, electronically, from the same person, doh!! Generally I believe you’re clear unless for example it’s a grown up child eg 20yo attending uni, whom you claim as dependent for some purposes eg private health care & medicare levies, and independent for others eg paying ‘rent’ on your investment property …. ATO not so silly max.

    Also wanted to drag this one back up cos I think it’s funny too …. !


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