All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Bestseller! Thanks!

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  • Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    Noted with interest that ‘From 0 to 130 Properties in 3.5 Years’ was the 4th best selling title of any book last week.

    In fact, it even beat Harry Potter who came in at #5!

    Thanks to eveyone who purchased a copy and I hope that you are enjoying the read.

    My schedule is slowly freeing up and I hope to be able to answer some posts in the upcoming few days. I’m just finishing off testing the new back-end website upgrade which should be launched very soon.

    Warm regards,

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of MelanieMelanie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 382

    Thank you Steve,

    I bought your book online Sunday, got it Tuesday and realised when I finished it Friday that I had learnt more than a $5,000 3-day course had taught me three weeks ago.

    As a dreamer & budding property investor your simple but brilliant commonsense approach is a big breath of fresh air and I think like most people who’ve just read your book I can’t recommend it to people I know fast enough! Have no doubt you’ll be top of the charts in no time!! Sincerely thanks for your dedication and advice.


    Profile photo of DramDram
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 82

    Congratulations Steve.

    It’s a great read and very easy to follow.


    Profile photo of PropertyGuruPropertyGuru
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,502

    Hi Steve,

    I also got your book and read it. It’s very good. on top of that this forum is extraordinary for people to learn and share their thoughts,learning. I am addicted to this forum now.


    Profile photo of crashycrashy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 736

    Geez, beating Harry! spose any real Harry Potter fan bought the book on day 1.

    Steve didnt mention volume, but lets just say its 100k books sold so far. Thats 100,000 people out there competing for the last 0.0000001% of positive geared property in the country. Think about that.

    Steve, need your permission to use your book as a source/reference in my book. Doubt you would turn down the extra sales. Also, some help re publishing, why did you choose WrightBooks? What happened with the book sales from this site….did you get a better deal from those? How easy was it to get the book published? How long did it take to write?


    Profile photo of Lawry73Lawry73
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 123

    Brother Steve,

    Great book and was really nice to know that you are a practising Christian and the testimonies really shine.

    We can do so much to reduce risks and increase wealth but I believe God is teaching us to be good stewards, and use wealth to do good.

    Good on ya brother.
    We need integrity in the market…desperately.

    Profile photo of SooshieSooshie
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 974

    Hi Steve,

    We’re proud of you! [^] I hope you frame a copy (hopefully the 1st copy) and hang it on the wall, because YOU did it.
    I guess, it’s like when my son brings home artwork from school, I hang it up on the board in the kitchen for everyone to see, so that it reinforces
    1) what he’s learnt
    2) he remembers the experience he had when doing it and finishing it
    3) He can see how proud I am of his work
    4) It’s an achievement he can be proud of
    5) It’s a good talking point

    Like a ‘Gold’ Medal and what it represents to an athlete.

    A Toast To You!
    May G-d Bless and Keep you and see you go from strength to strength in all that you do

    Sooshie [:)

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of Elysium-MElysium-M
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 259

    Onya Steve!

    I’m inspired to finish off my own book now (although it’s on DIY residential property conveyancing), although I don’t think I’ll get as many sales as you’re getting

    Profile photo of maximusmaximus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    Hi. Thought I’d be smart and order the book from an online book store as I assumed that orders from here would be astronomical. Well, that was nearly 2 weeks ago and I’m still waiting (sucked in me). Seems the book shop ran out of copies and had to order more in. Anyway Steve, congratulations on your book, good to see it selling well.



    Profile photo of HaroldHarold
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 80

    Congrats Steve on book, great read

    I too was worried about empowering the masses about +ive cashflow, but to be honest it too much hardwork, dedication and even sacrifice for the masses.

    ShaneB, I appreciate your scepticism about the impact of interest rates, but you will notice that this website has lots of investing tactics that could be employed with high interest rates.

    This is certainly the market for positive flow but I am putting a vulture fund together for higher interest rates

    Profile photo of peterppeterp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 307

    Steve’s book seems to be everywhere at the moment.

    Picked up a copy of MX on the train earlier tonight. On the back was a full page ad from the ‘Today not Tomorrow Institute’ seminars (anyone know about them?). Then a few pages in was a quick rundown on ‘From 0 to 130’. It only got 3 out of 5 stars – I reckon it’s worth at least 4!!!.

    And off the train and past the local (small) bookshop was the same book in the window.


    Profile photo of Ash_2Ash_2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 12

    Hi Steve,

    This is not just a response to your posted message, but to give a short introduction about myself:

    I certainly am getting addicted to this site,and enjoy reading all the massive information provided.

    I am an Australian Citizen,49 years old, currently employed with the Govt of Canada, and am a Canadian income tax payer in the high salary bracket.My son is expected to finish his Engg in 2 years, and the younger child his year 12 in 3 years in Canada.I am just waiting for them to finish before I return to Australia.I do not own any property in Australia at present.My last tax return in Australia was in mid 2001.

    I am quite impressed with this website and the information available, and wish to make a stsrt with my property investments in Melbourne.Since I am not interested in staying permanently in Canada,I pay rent of about 350 AUD per week here. I certainly can afford a reasonable surplus as my wife here works too.

    I have some friends who can do a lot to help me in investing. However, my concerns are related to:

    1. Buying a PPOR…am I eligible to buy one and take advantage of the first home buyers grant?

    2. Tax matters related to going in for investment properties.How to handle the taxation requirements in both countries ? I need to know a good accountant (my ex-Accountant sold his business already)

    3. I have a NAB loan preapproval already upto 300K, but should I consider I or P+I ? I believe that I only would be much better, as I can pay off principal with extra-surplus anytime.

    4. Are there any risks I should consider as I cannot return permanently to Australia for the next 3 years at least.

    5. Lastly, how can I buy your book (from 0 to 130) if it would help me in my situation ?

    Your guidance would be most appreciated.





    Noted with interest that ‘From 0 to 130 Properties in 3.5 Years’ was the 4th best selling title of any book last week.

    In fact, it even beat Harry Potter who came in at #5!

    Thanks to eveyone who purchased a copy and I hope that you are enjoying the read.

    My schedule is slowly freeing up and I hope to be able to answer some posts in the upcoming few days. I’m just finishing off testing the new back-end website upgrade which should be launched very soon.

    Warm regards,

    Steve McKnight

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Profile photo of HomeLoanGuyHomeLoanGuy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 26

    Hi Steve,

    Congratulations on the success you’ve worked hard for on your investments and your book.

    I saw you briefly on Channel 9 Morning show, and was impressed with your comments as they match my advice to my clients.

    Went out that same day and bought three of your books, one for my library and two as gifts to my clients. I suspect I’ll be buying more as gifts in the near future.

    Cheers and good on ya’

    Gary Young
    Home Loan Connexion
    Mobile 0407 64 66 32
    Fax +61 7 4636 4841

    Profile photo of JohnbJohnb
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 15

    Hi Stave

    Great to hear, it given me confidents that I have bought the right book. I spent $1500.00 on a seminar in Brissy in August, I thinking I get more satisfaction from this forum, actually I’m certain I do. Current reading Jan Somers book but tonight I’ll start yours. Yippee


    Profile photo of ArtyArty
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 884


    Congratulations !! [:D

    Its a great book, a real eye opener.

    With all these sales of your book, and people going from negative to positive gearing, its going to be even harder to find IPS that fall into the 11 sec rule… sort of like treasure hunting….


    Profile photo of golfchampgolfchamp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    Hi Steve, a terrific read and all the best for it’s success. I was unable to put it down once I started reading it. It certainly motivated me to take action.
    All the best with it. Golfchamp [:)

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