All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Accountants, Solicitors & Financial Advisors in SA

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  • Profile photo of Johnny1

    Does anyone know any Accountants, Solicitors and Financial Advisors in South Australia who specialise in property investment.
    Two accountants in Adelaide (including an expensive accountant I’ve been using for about 10 years) have refused to advise me on any investments whatsoever (possibly because they’ve been warned to keep their investment advice to themselves for fear of litigation) and they continually advise me to seek the “expert” opinion of a financial advisor. Their advice is very frustrating because everyone knows that financial advisors simply aren’t interested in property because they can’t get a hit out of it.
    Anyway, after all that – I’m open to suggestions.

    Profile photo of MarcoMarco
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 66

    Hi Johnny,

    do a search for “Adelaide” and you will get all the info you need!

    Cheers, Marco

    PS – why go to a financial advisor? They are only glorified insurance salesmen(IMHO)

    Profile photo of Johnny1

    Thanks for your help Marco [:)

    Profile photo of stargazerstargazer
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 344

    hi johnny

    i have first hand experience of property investment advisors in sa my advice be afraid be very afraid.

    I have the same problem with accountants only interested in the tax side of it. Maybe we expect too much from the accountants.

    i am in adelaide myself.


    Profile photo of Johnny1

    HA HA HA [:D][:)

    I know exactly what you mean Alf. If you’re not carefull you can start off with some money and very quickly have it eroded away by all the “hangers on”.

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