All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Hillcrest, Cresmead and Marsden area in Brisbane

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  • Profile photo of 111111

    I was looking at Redland shire are for 240K-250K.
    It seems that it will be very difficult to find a house in that range.

    So I am looking at other area now.

    Does anyone know/have IPs in Hillcrest, Cresmead and Marsden area in Brisbane ?

    Thanks in advance

    Profile photo of Pusstes

    Hi there, I just bought a property in hillcrest – a three bedroom house. I didn’t see it before I bought it and used a buyers agent. Since I have heard good things about the area. There don’t seem to be a lot of properties for sale and not much available for rent – I’m taking that as a good sign. All in all, I am happy with the purchase so far. It was good to afford a house and land seeing as I am from Melb. That was my motivation for buying out of state.

    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Pusstes you said that you used a buyers’ agent for your house purchase. Were you happy with the service? If so would you mind handing it on to me.


    Profile photo of keykey
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 9

    I have an IP in the redlands and also in Marsden. I believe I will see more cap gains in the Redlands than Logan shire. Largely because the Redlands is coastal and a gateway to the Morton Bay Islands bla bla bla. But being on the conservative side of things I view the Logan shire the same way locals used to view it and that is last, the bottom of the list. What I mean by this is that it is a great place to invest as long as you are buying right. Pay too much and you can get burnt. I am a property cycles type and I advise against following the heard but if the numbers work then “go for it”


    Profile photo of maximus

    Hi again 1×6. Have you tried looking for an I/P in the Redland Shire that you could do a reno on? Reno’s are definately not my specialty but if you’re handy (both physically and to the Redlands), it may be an option for you to get something there for the amount of money you wish to spend. Just a thought.



    Profile photo of 111111

    Thanks for all your responses and suggestions.

    Firstly I will be looking at Redlandshire and if I can’t find any, i will look at the Logan area.
    Dince I live in NSW, reno is out of my reach.

    Pusstes, would you mind telling us why your buyer’ agent selected Hillcrest.
    Is it becuase of the yield , vacancy rate or CG ?


    Profile photo of Lawry73Lawry73
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 123


    i live in nsw too and look for RE in qld.
    i am looking for houses to reno too.

    Profile photo of Pusstes


    Thanks for all your responses and suggestions.

    Firstly I will be looking at Redlandshire and if I can’t find any, i will look at the Logan area.
    Dince I live in NSW, reno is out of my reach.

    Pusstes, would you mind telling us why your buyer’ agent selected Hillcrest.
    Is it becuase of the yield , vacancy rate or CG ?


    Profile photo of Pusstes

    Sorry it took so long too reply but I went through Buyers Advocate on 07 3832 6766. I was happy with the help I got as they did everything for me from finding the place, recommending a solicitor in Brisbane and a condition report when renting it. This area was recommended to me as having good potential for capital growth which was a requirement of mine. I also mentioned Hillcrest to a workmate who is based in Brisbane and he gave me good feedback. There is good freeway access to that area etc. I have looked and there are only about 6 properties for sale in Hillcrest and one rental property available. That sounds good to me as that says that people are hanging on to their properties now. The house next door went up for sale and is listed at $179,000 when I bought mine for $165,000 at the end of May.
    I agree that near the water is ideal to buy and you probably can’t go wrong but you can also do well in a more suburban area where families want to live. Of course I don’t know what Hillcrest looks like really and I have taken that risk and it seems to be paying off so far.
    I hope this helps 111111.

    Profile photo of 111111
    Profile photo of trishatrisha
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 15

    The advocate you mentioned, can you give me a guide as to their fees. It might be handy if your interstate and not sure where to look,


    Profile photo of maximus

    Hi again 1×6. Just another thought. If you’re considering the Marsden area, dont write off Beenleigh. A little unit I bought there 18 months ago has doubled in value which suggests that Beenleigh has had its run but I was talking to an agent the other day from Beenleigh and he said that the area was still going ahead, and with a picture cinema complex coming soon that things will only better. I still prefer the Redland Shire but am just trying to throw some options your way.



    Profile photo of 111111

    Thanks maximus.

    I will look at Beenleigh as well.

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