All Topics / The Treasure Chest / buyerbeware and wraps secrets reveld – your views

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  • Profile photo of spanner

    I am just about to start buying books to help me learn BUT as a few of you might be aware I have been burnt badly by so called motivational and educational crap masquerading (sp?) books.

    I have seen two that seem to interest me on this site which are Buyer beware and Wraps secrets reveild.

    I would love to have your opinions on htese both good and bad. I really respect it when someone can point out a bad point but still recomend a resource.

    Thanks for your time everyone,


    Profile photo of wilandelwilandel
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 761

    Hi Spanner,

    A personal favourite of mine (and other forumites) would be “Property Secrets Revealed”. It gives good comparisons between -ve geared and +ve geared property. It is 4 CD’s with a folder to answer questions etc… It’s a great starting point for someone, but with enough info to teach you stuff. Excellent value for money. [:D

    Wrap Secrets Revealed is currently out of stock until some time in September I believe. It is of course about wrapping properties, vendor finance. I went to the last wrap seminar, which was excellent, and I believe this will be even better, with heaps of info. The audio of the wrap seminar will become a part of the Wrap Secrets Revealed. This I probably wouldn’t go out and buy as as starting point for a beginner. [:)

    Hope I have helped.

    Good luck,


    Profile photo of RodCRodC
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 335

    Is Property Secrets available at the moment? I just get a blank page when I click on it from the resources link.


    Profile photo of huntress_lovehuntress_love
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7

    hey i was wanting to have a look at property secrets reaveled but can’t seem to find it on the resource page. where is it?

    Profile photo of ksheatherksheather
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 33

    This question seems like asking the Pope whether he likes what the Bible has to say.. :)

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi there,

    I have both resources and have found them very useful and educational.
    I suggest you email if you want any information on the products mentioned in above posts and regarding the broken link.
    Spanner, I’m sorry to hear you were burnt before. Could you (if you are willing) elaborate on what happened?
    Sooshie [:)

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of spanner

    Let me just say I was burnt by two legitimate opourtunities but was badly lied to and taken for a HUGE ride by one and was just basically lied to by the other.

    a) property investment advisor
    b) AMWAY

    Have a guess which one I was lied to and which one I was taken for a huge (and expensive) ride.

    AMWAY – a very legitimate way of making money if you are not blatently lied to in regards ahhh gotta go will continue this later.

    Profile photo of vluu27


    Regarding Amway, I used to go their functions and listen to some of their speakers.

    Great speakers, great business if its done right but I just found that the majority of people in it are just blatently dishonest and hypocritical.

    Eg: They tell you its a great business and the “PEOPLE in it are just sooo great”. One speaker even used to say “I’m so in love with you and the business, we all LOVE you”.

    What a load of BS if you love the business SO MUCH DO IT FOR FREE. Which Ideot goes into the business such as Amway and does it for the people.

    My point is everyone is in it for the MONEY and they just are not honest enough to face and lay it down and be honest with u. Is it too much to ask to be honest with people and not talk about how beautiful things are if u are this and that.

    Secondly they preach the business is about integrity and ethics. Even the so called “Successful Distributos” used to preach that like a cow on fire. Turns out one of the Senior Amway person in the business had an affair with one of his downline, reulting in destroying 2 marriages and the whole line of people in the business. Talk about hypocricy.

    I’m sure u can make lots of money in Amway but I’m just fed with people in it talking the talk but only really 0.001% walk the walk. The rest are just talkers.

    Just my 2 cents worth.

    Profile photo of Sooshie

    Hi Spanner,

    Thanks for sharing. When you have time, please continue as you wish.
    I reackon it can be a learning experience for all.

    Sooshie [:)

    “small steps make the journey” (SAS)

    Profile photo of spanner

    ahh to continue…

    vluu….be careful…there really are some people out there who REALLY do care about other people. And yes we are all in it for the money…in almost everything we do….its just the honesty in how you get the money thats really important.

    Amway…as I said a legitimate way of making money if you are prepared to do it “their way” BUT…and this is the big banana as they say….you must have Upline ( or peers) who are blatently honest with you in ALL aspects of the business. I now owe the ATO $7 1/2 grand through wrong advice by a)my peers, b)the suposedly equiped and impartial accountant ( who was actually in the business)and c) uninformed collegues (sp?).

    Now the property thing was another kettle of fish.
    I was taken on as a trainee to be a “property advisor”. HAHA BLOODY HA!

    I was in fact just a telemaketer getting bites for a scam man. I would love to name this pr#ck but defamatiuon laws would have me for dinner I sure! I was told that I would do my time phoneing people for interviews to see if they could afford to buy an investment property then after I had a decent “hit” rate I would be trained to sell the properties etc etc. This never happened and my so called commission for finding the hits never ever came to me after 6 weeks solid work. Yes mate when they settle youll get paid $200 per sale. Yeah right.He owes me quite a bit !!! Brett G …if I EVER find you I’ll thro…[:(

    Phew…getting a bit worked up there.

    suffice to say I am very very wary about everything now. I even felt dirty buying the 0 to 130 book. But as I had an insight into this before I bought it I was pleasently supprised that it confirmed my own thoughts and proved that yes it was possible….but the book leaves a lot to be deserd as a real show mw how…but I would recomend it to someone who has not invested or have any idea about +ve csh flow.

    My only advice to everyone is research research research EVERYTHING you are told and then double check it with an independant person.

    Must stop blabing now…am getting depressed.

    regards to you all.

    Profile photo of vluu27


    Thanks for sharing. I agree that some people actually do care for you. But if they do they show it in their actions and you can tell rather then give a a mouth full of “U r going to be this, u r going to be that, we care for u” Yeah yeah yeah….6 weeks later they quit. [:D

    God that gets on my nerves

    Profile photo of spanner

    Ahhhh …clam blue waters washing over my body…Ahhh peace….

    Yes I agre with you vluu.


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