All Topics / The Treasure Chest / Protection using TRUSTS

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  • Profile photo of centralian

    Hi all,
    I’m interested if anyone knows any stories about property investors that have been sued and where a Trust put in place would have protected them.

    We hear about protecting your assets by setting up a Trust, but never hear anything about people being sued…

    So are Trust that important…????


    Profile photo of centralian

    Looking at the reponse this thread has had. Makes me think that know one has heard of anyone been sued and Trusts are unnecessary.

    Dont get me wrong I’m not against Trusts.

    Profile photo of KennyCKennyC
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 17

    Nah i haven’t heard nothing, but it would be nice if anyone has to tell us! =)

    I came back from seeing my solicitor and accountant today, trust and company structure is looking good from what I am hearing! If anyone thinks otherwise, please speak up! =)

    Profile photo of brionycbrionyc
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3

    Hi! I work in a law firm as a conveyancing clerk and am frequently involved in purchases by trusts. In Victoria, it is not possible to purchase a property in the name of a trust, all documentation must either be completed in the name of a company, or in the name of the beneficiaries. If it is a company, they normally execute a document stating that they have purchased the property as trustee of the trust so there are no long term problems.

    Profile photo of minnarminnar
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    my understanding is:trusts can be a powerful vehicle for many reasons icluding:
    protecting assests if your job includes being a director of a company that has the risk of being sued and therefore directors being personally liable for debt

    if you already earn a high income and +ve gearing is your chosen investment vehicle then profits made can be distributed to trust members, saving the high income earner tax

    Advice on whether to purchase investment properties within a trust should be sought from a professional with particular reference to your own personal situation.

    Profile photo of JHJH
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 6

    I heard of trust being sued by beneficiaries for unpaid distribution. But I only “heard”, nothing to substantiate. Tho it sounded legit.

    People and relationship change overtime, and people are influenced by people. Your lovely neice may one day have a boyfriend/girlfriend who is a lawyer and discover that she may sue you for unpaid distribution from a trust entered in the book many years ago.

    Some people’s family perspective changes when they know they could potentially have $1m in the bank…

    Sons sue fathers
    Nephews sue uncles
    Ex girlfriends sue ex boyfriends

    The list goes on.

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